Jun 28, 2012 11:05
OMG...I had this post from 8 weeks ago that I was working on, and then...8 weeks go by! That's a really long time.
OK, back up to 10-11 weeks ago *doodeledoo doodeledoo doodeledoo*
So, three months ago, I had my first check up of my adult life. I was getting sick way too often for anybody. Like 4 or 5 times this winter. Normally, I get sick once at the most. And, these were seriously debilitating colds. BLECH.
Anyways, I finally got sick of it and went to a new doctor. Gay, leather oriented, so I can admit my kinks, and totally easy to talk to. YAY! Anyways, ran the usual battery of tests. STD free, and such. YAY! Not even HPV. Which means I could totally get an HPV vaccine if I could afford it (apparently most insurances only cover it up to age 27! BOOOOOO).
But, then came the bad news. My Vitamin D was low. I mean DRASTICALLY LOW. Range of normal is supposed to be 35-100. I was at 15. ZOMG. I mean, this is Seattle, home of the NO SUNSHINE FOR YOU, but really...that was beyond the pale. Last year, was especially terrible as the sun didn't appear AT ALL until July when it came out for 3 months then proceeded to retreat back into the clouds. This year, we seem to be getting on and off weekend sun. We got a mini summer at the beginning of May, but that's it.
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a HELL of a lot of things.
- Cholesterol control
- Energy Levels
- Fat Burning and storage
- Bone decay prevention
- Glucose intolerance
- Hypertension
- Diabetes prevention
- Cancer prevention
- Osteoporsis
- Mood Swings
- Immune System
I mean, look at the list right there. That's a long fucking list. And I have a lot of issues with several of them.
My doctor put me on an 8 week regimen of Vitamin D bombs, which are 50,000 IUs of Vit D once a week. And, starting next week, I'm supposed to take 2,000 IUs a day. I'm feeling better than I was previously. Still not at 100% yet, and need to hit the gym. But, an improvement.
Added to this is work. I need a new job. But, all of my work has been under NDA. Because of that I can't do my own online portfolio. But, our new website has been continuously delayed for months. MONTHS. We're in month 9 of development. In the meantime, our last website isn't being updated, and hasn't been updated in over a year and a half. GAH! But, what this means is that I can't send people to our website when I look for new work. "Here, take a look at my stuff. Oh, sorry, you can't." BLEH. I don't want to be sued.
Anyways, we've apparently done millions more than what we've done in previous years. Other departments have grown, except mine. Mine only grows on occasion just as we hit a super huge bump. Whee. Its fine on days like today when we're waiting for comments from the client. But, on days like yesterday and Tuesday when I had 6 different projects going at once...GAH!
Nature of the business, I guess. One would think the nature was to criss-cross the various projects so they don't all hit at the same time. But, that's not the case. Ever.
At work, e3 took over my life. Working extra hours sucked. But, its done and over. YAY!
Then, a video project for my cousin took over my life. Which sucks. I hate working for family. You can't just be like "Dude. Fresh Prince's Summertime is NOT edgy. And its perfectly appropriate for a montage." Because you know its edgy for them. By which I mean, its too black. *cries* *sighs*
Now, I'm settling back down. YAY!
Studio Ghibli has been on a retrospective this week and next week at SIFF. I got a pass. GO ME. I've seen 6 movies of 7 so far. They're gorgeous on the big screen in 35mm. I love Ghibli. *swoon*
For those of you not in the know, Studio Ghibli is the studio responsible for some of the best Japanese animated movies in the past 20 years. You may have watched either Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away, which were their two biggest state-side hits. They also did Ponyo, which I detest because I can't stand the voice of the girl. They have a whole catalog dating back to the 80s that are rarely seen in theaters, and more rarely in subtitles in theaters in 35mm. I'm having geekgasms over it. The prints are all gorgeous so far, and the movies are brilliant.
And, finally, my mother is moving to Texas. BOOOOOOO. I hate Hate HATE Texas, and everything the Texan government and culture stands for. I've begged and pleaded with her not to move down there. But, to no avail. It's where my sister is moving, and its where my mother will move to continue to help my sister along. Because my sister cannot get by on her own. Anyways, my mother got early retirement and will be moving down before I get to visit in October. WTF?! Whatever. My mother says I'm being selfish because I told her in January that I was visiting in October, and she's still leaving before that. And that i'm being selfish for begging her to not move to Texas.
My sister is moving there because her brand of stupidity seems to get along better in Texas than in Michigan. My niece is also not getting along in Michigan. Probably for the same reasons. At least they're moving to Austin. but, Texas is the one state in the union I absolutely abhor. I really don't ever want to step foot in that state and give one blue cent to their ultra-red state of unreasonablity. And its not just politics. Its culture as well. People think I'm being racist or tribal. And, I don't have a problem with Texans. They tend to be rather normal on their own. But, in the vein of seagulls, or South Park characters from Jersey, once you get more than 2 or 3 of them together, the Texas starts coming out and its just bad. Just this week, there was a lesbian couple shot in Texas that is promoting outrage.
I'm staying in ultra-liberal Seattle, where people are retarded in passive-aggressive ways that don't get people killed.