Hell mutha fuckin shit yea!!! Internets you bastards!!! Swallow my grand wireless connectivity and choke on it's bones!!! I am pleased and surprised to how quickly I was able to get finally get an updated
Google Desktop. So first of all... before you all continue reading, I suggest you get your shit caught up on the previous two Revival posts:
1 &
2. Go ahead... I'll wait...
Okay, so first off, despite the fact I said I would go back through and edit the posts; I didn't, and it should be obvious. I couldn't recall anything that was edit-worthy and even if there was, the internet returned to me far sooner than I anticipated (stealing my allocated editing time). Secondly, I am aware they were posted on the site in reverse order. It was intentional because there was no possible way any of you sodomites would have been able to read the first post before I uploaded the second. This way they are in the correct order in which they will be seen, unless I have some readers that obsessively over zealous with the scroll wheel. Lastly,
who killed Bambi? I have some important news items before I continue with the subject at hand:
- White Wolf has amazingly sold out and published their World of Darkness in d20... which is awesome. The book is $50 (and my wallet cries) and is just in time for D&D V3.5 to become obsolete making way for the behemoth V4.0.
- The entire Borders team at the store in which I am training is convinced that I should be raped by methed-out tapirs for landing a retail gig without having to work weekends; and I quote, "Who the fuck did you blow for that job?!" For the record, I blew no one... I am just that awesome (and I will be paying for my off weekends with oh-my-god-it's-too-fucking-early mornings and having to go to bed before midnight 40 years before I should need to).
- I have decided on my next purchase (food withstanding), although I'm pretty sure I will be waiting to buy this until I've saved up a couple months worth of surplus in order to do so.
- I am debating [again] moving my blog to another site. If any of you have any suggestions on an easily customizable and a more open comment system, please let me know.
Dating for me has always been problematic. But first lets define our terms. When I refer to dating I am not talking about the occasional dinner and movie with someone I might find interesting. In fact, I can count on one hand where I've actually been on a traditional date with someone I'm trying to get to know. There are many reasons for this, but the most dominant is the fact I am little more than a warm body (and even sometimes that's debatable) when I am uncomfortable with someone. I'm reserved, calculating, and quiet when I'm around new people, both because I've empirically found that the majority of people simply don't know how to deal with me when I pull out all the stops and it's much easier to get to know someone when my gums aren't flappin about like a geeky idiot.
Although it might be refreshing for some people to have regular conversations in which 4+ syllable words and references to everything between Louis Black and Omicron Persei I-8 are within the acceptable lexicon, most everyone else simply looks at me like I've got a toe growing out of the side of my eye. Compounding with my dead-pan delivery of sarcasm and my love affair with puns, it takes many hours of interaction with me to see that I'm a half-way decent human being. This is possibly why, with few exceptions, the only females that have ever been interested in me have been those that had little choice than to be within my immediate vicinity (aka work or school). There are three exceptions to this generalization: 2 of which lasted all of 4 hours with me before they decided I was bat-shit insane, and the third logged time through a mutual group of friends long enough to observe me in my natural habitat.
Now that we know what "dating" isn't, let me define what I mean by the term. Easily put, it's a state of exclusivity between myself and another; the whole entire "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing. By that point they are no longer [as] scared of me, and I know them well enough to a) act myself, b) see they have something to offer, and c) desire to know more about them. The problematic side to this approach is that these are not minimum requirements to move into an exclusive relationship. So, why do I, like an idiot, continue to use a broken system? It's not possessiveness or co-dependency; it's a pride issue. If I am interested in someone it is because I find them to be superior (although I don't like the connotations that word is attached to, it's the best I can come up with) to other prospects, and I take it a personal offense if they don't think the same of me. I do recognize this as a character flaw (so sue me... what are yours, pray tell?), but that doesn't make it any less present in my dealings with women.