and so it ends as it begins, as everything that is infinite ascends..

Oct 25, 2004 12:51

fuck. interesting night last night. went down to "chaos night" at the slab on newbury street. at first there weren't many people there and we all just chilled and listened to music. eventually there were like 20 punks down there. started out with people just being crazy and having fun. ended with a sign thrown at a BMW.. after that everyone went elsewhere..and me and kristen and effie went back to my house. i don't think anyone got in trouble except when the cops made one kid pour out his beer.. so that was lucky for everyone. overall it was a pretty fun night though.

THE RED SOX WON! We're going all the wayyyyyy. ::knocks on wood:: yeah it's definitely good to start out the series with a victory.

this week is going to go by VERY slowly since i'm looking forward to next saturday so much. life's cruel like that.
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