Pre-ordered the hardback, even. And I liked almost all of the stories, even though most of them weren't genre. I surprised myself by really enjoying SM Stirling's piece - it was wonderful.
Now, please understand I've never read any GRRMartin. Never even heard of him until they made his stuff into a show. And I'm the kind of person that actually reads the 1/2 page or so of "about the author" in anthologies. I knew I was in trouble when I got to his. Okay, taking advantage of Editorial Privilege to drop 2 dense pages of praise on his own head. Whatever.
Then I started reading his, I dunno, novella? From the SOIAF world.
OH MY GOD YOU GUYS - THIS IS LIKE READING GENESIS! Names, names, jumping out every second sentence, all spelled weird, all in a dry, "then this happened. then this happened. then this happened." God, it was TERRIBLE. Is all his shit like this? Weird names make my brain stumble, and he's got an endless list of similar-except-for-one-letter fucking NAMES. And all the other stories were small vignettes, very personal, well-developed characters, and then he shits out this bullshit "report of a war". Bleah. Congrats on being Editor meaning you don't have to fit the tone or style of the rest of the damn book. Couldn't finish it. Don't regret it. Who wants to borrow it?