Quatre ficlets

Apr 06, 2008 22:55

Friday I offered to write Quatre drabbles. I was supossed to finish writing them Friday but yeah, that didn't quite happen. But I figured, April is Quatre's month anyway so I'll get them writen in the course of the month ^^;;

I managed to write 4 so I'm posting them here now and I'll post the other requests as soon as I have them done. If you haven't asked for it, you still can. Just go here. Thanks for being patient ^-^

Spring Blossoms
Masterminds universe. Quatre and Duo friendship. PG
For merith

Quatre put a hand over his mouth and nose and tried not to breathe. "This has to be one of your worst ideas," he said.

Duo's eyes widened as he gave Quatre his "innocent look". He was covering the lower part of his face with the neck of his shirt. "You were all up for it yesterday."

"Sure," Quatre grumbled. "That was before you got us caught."

"It was an accident!" Duo started looking through the supplies they had been given. "I can't help it if I trip and fall."

"In front of Lady Une!" Quatre grabbed the mop in the corner so forcefully he almost threw down the bucket of water. "Dropping all the stink bombs we had left in front of her."

Duo opened the bottle of cleaner and lowered his shirt to sniff at it. "Still an accident, man. Does this smell like spring blossoms to you?" He offered the bottle to Quatre who glared at it.

"Cleaning the faculty bathroom wasn't how I had planed to spend my afternoon." He took the bottle and dropped half of the contents on the bucket of water. He was about to put it down but at the last moment brought it to his nose to smell. "It smells more like winter breeze to me."

"Doesn't it?" Duo took the other mop and put it in the soap water. "Spring blossoms is usually more flowery."

Quatre nodded as he started to mop. "Maybe our sense of smell is compromised because of the stink."

"Yeah." Duo made sure to clean the corner and beneath the sink. "I still like the autumn leaves one best but there weren't any bottles left in the storage room."

"Hey, Duo," Quatre stopped moping for a moment to look at his friend. "Do you think we're spending way too much time on detention?"

Duo tilted his head to the side. "Why do you say that?"

"Because…" Quatre looked at the handle of Duo's mop, where he had carefully written his name in permanent marker because he was tired of the school janitor leaving it dirty. "…nothing." Quatre shook his head and let a smile slip when he saw his name written in his own mop in Duo's handwriting. "It's worth it anyways."

And the beautiful pic drawn by jess_eklom.


To each their own
Duo, Quatre and Wufei friendship. 1x2, 3x4, 5xR. PG13
For degeneratelyre

Duo smelled the cup, enjoying the aroma of the tea before bringing it slowly to his lips and taking a sip. It was warm, sweet and just the way he liked it. He placed the cup back in the plate soundlessly and took a bite of one of the cookies in the table.

"I still don't know how you can drink that," Wufei said, taking a sip of his own tea.

"It's good, unlike your green chai tea which tastes like warm water," Duo replied.

"Putting milk on tea should be penalized," Wufei grumbled.

"I'm sure if you ask Relena nicely enough she might help you with that," Quatre commented casually and hid a smirk behind his teacup.

"She has more important things to do," Wufei said. "You shouldn't put sugar in tea either, Quatre."

Quatre just grabbed another leaf of mint from the small silver bowl by the corner, added a full spoon of sugar and dumped it all into his tea. His spoon clinked as he swirled it. "Relena likes sugar," he said finally.

"Trowa doesn't," Wufei retorted with a smirk.

"And Heero likes milk which only proves we are meant for each other." Duo took another sip of his tea. "Even if he's working today."

"Why is that again?" Quatre asked.

Duo rolled his eyes. "You know very well he and his partner are on."

Quatre shrugged. "Trowa can handle it. Would you rather it be us out in the rain dealing with cadets? Better them than us."

"You are both cowards," Wufei declared. "I would take a bullet for Relena."

"I'd take a beam canon for Heero but I'm not spending my Saturday afternoon with baby preventers because of him."

"Besides," Quatre added. "Tonight when Trowa comes home I'll make it worth his while."

"Yeah," Duo agreed. "Heero will be frustrated and wet and I know just how to work out his kinks."

Wufei put the teacup on the table. "You are both perverts."

Quatre raised an eyebrow. "And you are not? Relena talks, you know?"

"You are bluffing, Winner."

"About how she comes home after those long meetings and you tend to her." Quatre's look was challenging. "A nice long massage, a foot rub, something else that doesn't involves your hands… Say, isn't she in a meeting right now?"

Duo burst out laughing making some of the other costumers on the shop look at them for a moment.

Wufei was glaring. "Why couldn't Trowa and Heero have the day off instead of you?" he said to himself.

"Because Quatre bribed Trowa with sexual favors and I gave Heero my puppy dog look," Duo explained.

"I don't know what Une was thinking when she made you partners," Wufei said, shaking his head.

Duo shrugged. "Well you had Sally and there's the whole no lovers and partners law."

"And Duo and I work well together," Quatre said after taking another sip of his tea.

"Because you are both perverts," Wufei repeated.

"And you fit right in with us," Quatre said with a smile. "More tea?"

"Or a cookie?" Duo offered.

Wufei gave them an incredulous look. "Sure," he said after a moment and then grinned. "It can't hurt."


Trowa/Quatre. PG13
For darthanne

Trowa stopped at the door of Quatre's office frozen.

Quatre rolled his eyes and glared. "Well, don't just stand there. Help!"

Trowa blinked a couple of times before he started walking towards Quatre with a smirk on his face. "I've always said you're buried in work."

"Hah hah! Very funny." Quatre gave Trowa a threatening look but the effect was lost due to the fact that Quatre was facedown on the ground with a mountain of papers, folders, books, flyers, memos and proposals all over him.

"How did this happen?" Trowa asked as he started to help Quatre emerge from the pile of paper he was buried under.

Quatre gave a long suffering sigh. "Long story."

"Tripped on the desk and brought the whole thing down with you?"

Quatre nodded, looking down sadly at the mess on his office floor.

"It is a sign," Trowa said solemnly.

Quatre was about to argue but he closed his mouth. "It might be," he said after a moment.

Trowa took a hold of Quatre's tie and pulled him closer. They kissed, Trowa putting a arm firmly around Quatre's waist. "We can fix it," he said, his lips only inches away from Quatre's.

A smile appeared on Quatre's lips and this time it was him who pulled Trowa closer for a heated kiss. "It can wait."

Trowa smiled. Sawing the desk's legs had been a good idea after all.


Better View
Quatre. G
For just_ruth

It was the moment Quatre entered the atmosphere when he knew, right in his heart, that Earth was special. He gazed through the monitors, impatient for the moment when he would be able to breathe fresh air and see the mountains and rivers with his own eyes. He had forgotten for a moment that he was to land in the desert and when he remembered he felt a small pang of disappointment. That feeling faded away as soon as the cockpit opened and he was able to gaze at the great expanse with his own eyes.

While he was in space Quatre had dreamed of the forests and the sea, a landscape painted blue and green. The desert had never crossed his mind for more than a fleeting moment. Maybe that's why it took him by surprise.

On the days following his arrival he spent every able moment just gazing at the world around him. The sand was warm and vast, it expanded as far as his eyes could see and it shined golden under the rays of the sun. The sky turned from clear blue to dark indigo and deep black, and under the light of the stars the desert looked almost like a calm sea.

There was green in the desert too, a bush, some grass and then an oasis. It wasn't much but when seen with the backdrop of the sand it was more than enough. The blues and greens Quatre had so longed for seemed to shimmer brighter under the desert sky.

He could lie for hours on the cooling sand after the sun had set. He would gaze up at the sky, breathing the clean dry air and remember the times he had looked down at Earth from space. This, he thought over and over again, was certainly the better view.

fic-art, fics, 2_4, gw-fic, duo, pics, quatre, 3x4, wufei, masterminds

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