Because I feel like them right now...
Rating: PG
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4
Summary: Duo isn't feeling so well.
"Why?" Duo moaned. "Why?"
Heero rubbed Duo's back softly. "You don't want an answer to that."
Duo took a sip from his water bottle and his shoulders slumped. "I know. Just never let me participate in a tamales eating contest again."
Heero nodded and put his arm around Duo. "Next time I'll resort to violence."
"It has to be better," agreed Duo miserably. "A few broken bones are nothing compared to this."
"I'll take your word," Heero said.
"I still can't believe you've never had indigestion." Duo moaned and put his arms around his stomach. "Lucky bastard."
Heero did his best not to let out a smug smile.
"If I had won this at least would be bearable," Duo said with a pout.
"You tied."
Duo sulked. "I just hope the other guy is suffering as much as me…"
* * *
Quatre ran his fingers softly through Trowa's hair. "Here, drink a bit more water, it'll do you good."
Trowa moaned but took the offered water bottle from Quatre. "Kill me."
"No. You'll be fine in a couple of days."
"You are evil," Trowa said, leaning his head on Quatre's chest.
"I know. Sorry." Quatre gave Trowa a kiss on the forehead.
"Duo is evil too," Trowa continued. "He should have given up."
"Yes," Quatre agreed. "But he's stubborn, like someone else I know."
"I couldn't let him win."
Quatre sighed. "None of you did."
"You bet on me, right?"
"Um," Quatre's fingers stilled for a moment but then they were playing with Trowa's hair again.
"You bet for Duo?" Trowa's eyes snapped open and gave Quatre an accusing glare.
"No." Quatre gave Trowa his most charming smile. "I bet 32 tamales. Heero bet 27 and Wufei bet 40. No one won, really. We didn't imagine it would take 50 to make you both throw up."
Trowa glared. "You are evil."
Quatre grinned. "You love me this way."
Trowa closed his eyes and nuzzled into Quatre's chest "This was a lose lose situation."
"I don't know," Quatre said. "The stand owner looked pretty happy…"
Trowa's only reply was another moan.
- The End -