Happy Birthday,
saekokato! I noticed you have many, many Supernatural icons... so I made you another one ^_^
Happy Birthday,
wickedgameff! I made you a 5xR icon. I hope that you like it.
And, since everyone is doing it…
• Keyboard or biro?
Both. Of course the keyboard has a lot of advantages and I've grown fond of the sound the keys make while I type, but I miss having a blank page, and a pen, and filling it with my messy handwriting.
• Beta or no beta?
*glomps Anne* She's been betaing my stuff since I entered the fandom. I worry a lot about making grammar and spelling mistakes since I'm still learning English. Even though, I've grown braver and post drabbles and now and then something unbetaed… which usually means Anne has to IM me and point my mistakes then.
• Plot?
Usually I have an idea of what's going on with the story, but sometimes, I start typing and learn as I go. Some other times I don't write for the plot but for a specific image that's in my head, or a line or a feeling. I guess it depends.
• Title?
When I'm stuck I turn to winamp. That usually helps. But some luck times I just know the title.
• Smushy or smutty?
I'm not that good with smushy. I mean, I do write romance and fluffy stuff but I think it 20 times before I have a character say "I love you" or any other similar line. Of course I write that sometimes but I rather have them kiss than say those lines… If there's sex, I write them smutting; they swear, they call each other's names, grunt and moan, but they don't declare their undying love for each other in the middle of it if I can help it. So I guess, if I write smushy, they are not having sex, and if they are having sex, then the smuttier the better.
• Summary?
I like summaries… when I'm the reader. I mean, I like to know what the fic is about, so I try to write summaries for all my stories too but sometimes I spend more time thinking of the summary than writing the story.
• Funniest fic?
After the Beep, maybe? Quarrel? *shrugs*
• Most popular fic?
Sandstorm probably, which means I should be writing, right? Masterminds and the College not an arc seemed to be liked too
• Most fun to write?
Dorothy is always fun to write, so fics with her usually are. Smut… I guess that's why I like
• Best and Worst?
Best? I'm really happy with how Hollow turned out, and An Evening in Buenos Aires too. I also like So We Did.
Worst? Hm, I usually like the stuff I post, otherwise, it never sees the light of day. But there are some with mistakes, of course. Older fics. The RK ones have so many grammar and spelling mistakes they would probably make your eyes bleed, but I still like the plot…
• Coulda been Contenders?
For what? Contests? I've never won anything.
Best and Worst? I already answered that in the last question…
• Strengths
This is a difficult question. I… almost always can spell the characters' names?
• Weaknesses
Description. Usually my fics are never really descriptive, unless the description is important to the plot. Pronouns. Coming up with OC names. I'm also easily distracted.
• Dirty Little Secrets?
I'm not very original or creative. Most of my stories ideas come from someplace else. Some others don't even have a plot. Slice of life stuff, mostly images or thoughts made fic.
Thank you to everyone who replied to the meme yesterday! Does anyone care if I unscreen their comments? I'l screen them again after I reply if you rather no one see them...
Have a wonderful day!