the persuit of happiness... (careful, it's a novel behind those cuts)

Sep 27, 2003 19:24

Okay, so it's been a while since I felt like updating again... so let me do a brief rundown on my life again. :)

Work ... is still great. With the exception of a few people there that I could do without, it's a really great place to work. And for the most part, I love the people there. Management included, which seems rare to me, but I haven't worked very many places before ;) So I'll just be thankful that I like it where I am.

Life ... is good, overall. :) I'm losing a little more weight every week, and I'm actually beginning to feel the loss. (Those who didn't know, I joined Weight Watchers. I guess this is my coming out post. *laugh*)

My jeans are looser, I have to wash them in warm and dry them and cross my fingers that they shrink up a bit in the laundry each time. (If I washed them in hot, I'd end up with a load full of Capri's, I'm sure of it. *sigh*) Almost hit the 20lb mark.

My dad's in New Orleans right now, or maybe he's already in Calgary. I can't keep up. :) Either way, he's away on business. For another... 5 days, I think. He's been gone a week. It's been nice to have the house to myself, but I've been trying to spend most of the day cleaning today - which works out well, because somechick is away at her parents place, so I won't be tempted to go do anything. ;) I do have a party to go to tonight, but I might flake out and stay home and finish cleaning so I don't have to do it tomorrow. We'll see how I feel in a couple hours.

One hour photo is also on at 9pm, so I'll be staying in to watch that anyway, before I go out... *excited*

Romance ... has taken an turn, not for the better or worse though, I don't think. Just different than what I had expected.

A couple of weeks ago, I broke up with the guy I'd been seeing for almost 5 months. Things just weren't working... he wasn't affectionate or anything towards me anymore, so I stopped making the effort too... and it went downhill from there. We still got along really well, so I held out hoping that he'd suddenly be show signs of interest again... and needless to say, it didn't happen. So I did us both a favour and called things off. He didn't seem terribly upset by it, so I guess I did the right thing.

Which left me open to persue someone that I'd been seeing a lot of online. We started talking a while ago, with no romantic intentions or anything. Things started slow, talking a couple times a month... then a couple times a week... and for the last month or so, we've been talking every day. He's very sweet. (I hope he doesn't mind me talking about him on here... *blush* He doesn't even know this exists. I'll keep it that way for a while.) He's one of those people that you talk to, and you can just feel they're a good person. He volunteers with Search and Rescue in his area, and he wants to be a paramedic. *smile* The last couple weeks, I've gotten more attached to him than I probably should have let myself. But it seemed like everything was going so smoothly... we didn't live close, but nowhere near as far as some of the men I've liked. He's about an hour and a half away. So I found myself liking him more and more. *sigh*

This morning, he told me that he wasn't sure if he was ready for another relationship yet (from our conversation, I established that it was the distance that he wasn't ready to try). :( He went on and on about how I must think he's a jerk, etc etc etc. It'd be easier if I could think badly of him - but I really can't. He was honest, and I was honest back. I don't deny the fact that I like him a lot, but I'm not going to hold my breath. If someone comes along, they come along... I'm just so picky lately that I think it's going to be quite some time before I find anyone else that I want to spend any amount of time with, on a romantic level. He's one of those people that I'd "take back" in a heartbeat, if he asked me to.

If he asked me to.
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