Farscape: Tangled Roots, Part 1 "In Search of..."

Dec 22, 2009 12:41

Complicated titling is complicated.

I'm going to mention the artwork first, since this has been a constant bone of contention on TF. And okay, it's not as brilliant as some fanart, but given time and printing constraints I don't think it's as bad as some people have said. I don't think it's that important an issue anyway, to be honest.

This is the first regular issue comic I've read, so I was a bit behind on some stuff but whatever. There's a quick recap at the start, plus I've been reading the discussion threads. I have to say that Deke's presence isn't anywhere near as annoying as I thought it would be. I love the random baby words.

I was rather glad I read House of Cards, what with them headed off to Liantac, though in all honesty that part of the story was not why I bought the comic. I was more interested in Aeryn and her trip to Prybella. Okay, just the latter; sue me.

And it... kindoflooksalittlelikeTatoonine. Which sort of amuses me on a reference level, but disappoints on another. Having said that, that is off two pages and that can only convey so much. I'm hoping latter editions are going to prove me wrong (a quick nosy at kradical's preview doesn't really tell me anything).

Still badly in need of issue 2. Just looking at that preview makes my fingers itch. And wonder why Crais' eyes are blue. But with my eBay source closed until after Christmas, I guess I'll have to wait *sighs*

boom! comics

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