They Live! I love this movie. Roddy Piper and Goliath team up to fight aliens!
Has anyone ever heard those blood drive radio ads featuring the Red Defender? I like imagining he's from the Doctor Horrible universe, purely because that would mean he would be forced to socialize with Captain Hammer. And Red Defender has such horrible luck (for example, after saving the Earth from an asteroid only to accidentally destroy the moon: "Where did you throw that asteroid?" "Away. I threw it...away.") that I can't see Captain Hammer helping. Even if everything did go right on one of their team-ups, I'm sure Captain Hammer would somehow wind up hogging all of the credit.
Speaking of unlucky superheroes:
after loving every single panel of Siege 2 & 3 I couldn't help feeling that 4 was rushed. This story should have gone five issues; after establishing the Void so well at the end of 3 I wanted a whole issue of the good guys trying to put him down. And I'm not clear how a thing that tore Ares apart like paper, took a shot from Mjolnir, and flew through Asgard could be more than mildly inconvenienced by a helicarrier falling on him. Yes, yes, it's a big helicarrier and Tony "turned it into a bullet" but, really. The Void took out a magical floating island. A thousand exploding suns really isn't affected by a hunk of steel. And now Thor can hurt him? I realize Bob wanted to be stopped at that point and I appreciate that they'd written themselves into a corner by having such a powerful character, but they'd spent virtually the whole storyline establishing how mentally fragile he is and he's finally brought down by...being hit by a magic hammer? Seriously? Very anti-climactic, especially when he'd just killed Ares, whose son has fear powers. Sigh.
And geez, Tony. I don't understand how I could love movie!Tony as much as I do and be left so very cold by comics!Tony. He was such a pompous windbag, especially since Norman was only able to come to power because Tony is such a pompous windbag. He's learned nothing!
Fallen Son was just...odd. I always have to remind myself that Sentry's actually been there the whole time, but never more than after this storyline. Everyone gave very pretty speeches but where the hell have they been this whole time? When they asked Norman how he'd controlled the Void, all he could answer was "I sympathized." Why was Norman frakking Osborn the only one in the Marvel U seemingly capable of that? As much as I ship Norman/Sentry (and Goblin/Void, and all the various combinations), Norman's a poisonous user. Everyone knows that. So where have Bob's friends been all this time? (aside from Cap, who at least has the excuse of being dead.) You don't throw your mentally ill friend to the wolves and then get to make the eulogy at his funeral. And none of them can plead ignorance, not after he had that nervous breakdown right over Manhattan.
(And I completely missed this storyline: when did Sentry and Rogue hook up, exactly? And who was in charge of Sentry at the time? I can't imagine Bob cheating on Lindy.)
Dark Avengers continues to art wise be the most beautiful book put out by either DC or Marvel. And of course Daken got away.:) I was just relieved Victoria's apparently getting out of this storyline unscathed, aside from unnecessary nastiness from Tony (and Cap, to a less annoying extent). Seriously, I can't think of a single law the woman's broken or even anything she's actually done wrong (unless you agree with Tony Stark that just being in the same room as Norman is the height of villainy.) She was handed an atrocious situation, tried as hard as she could to right the ship, and I dare Tony or Cap to have done better. At least Cap had the sense to recognize that --- which is good, because otherwise there would have been raaaaaaaaage.