I watch some shows

Apr 15, 2010 02:10

I do! But before I get to the flailing and the ranting (V fans, you may want to skip that section) I think the internet at large needs to be aware of this: apparently in Switzerland you can hire an evil clown to stalk your children. I am not even kidding. Oh, and here's a quote from Clowns International (ohdeargodnowclownconventionsImayneversleepagain): "I think what Dominic[the guy dressing up as the evil clown] is doing is a great idea," he added. "Bringing a little bit of life and laughter into kids’ lives is what we are all about."

Yes. Life and Laughter. And therapy. So much therapy. (Any fellow clown fear sufferers, said evil clown is pictured in full regalia. Learn from my trauma!)

On to said shows, Human Target first:

1) That was just an embarrassment of guest star riches. Lassiter! Fred! (Dear God, is this show suddenly so easy to crossover with Dollhouse.) Chance got his name from the Six Million Dollar Man! The Old Man is Armand Assante! The episode should have been titled Hey, It's That Guy!.

2) The Guerrero/Chance fight made my heart happy (even if it wasn't really how they met, as the showrunner had implied it would be:). Especially since Lassiter implied that Guerrero had been pulling his punches, meaning that a part of him was willing to risk Chance shooting him rather than win that fight. Obviously Chance not taking the shot was a profound moment for Guerrero, but there has to be some serious backstory explaining why he would take that risk in the first place.

3) "My heart grew three sizes that day." I couldn't fangirl JEH any more if I tried. Almost as good: "How did you find out about this place?" "Dude, it's me." I love Chance but he can be really dumb when it comes to the details. I can't imagine how Chance and Winston made things work before Guerrero came on board.

4) Laverne. How does Guerrero stop himself from calling him that every second of every day? He must know! If viewers ever needed a sign that he actually did like Winston, there you go. I love how they're cementing Winston as the heart of the team, the one thing that could get Chance to deal with the Old Man again.

5) Okay, do any of us believe that Katherine's really dead? No body, no death. Basic rule.

6) Baptiste is going to explode when he finds out the Old Man is essentially welcoming back the prodigal sun.

7) I need to see a flashback of Guerrero making contact with Chance again. They need to show how these two rebuilt their friendship, especially since I can't imagine Guerrero reaching out to him without being in a serious amount of trouble. It can't be prison-related; Winston had no idea what Guerrero was talking about when that panic attack started. And I don't think Winston knows Guerrero is a family man, as Baptiste put it, so it can't be that, either (unless Chance kept Winston in the dark).

8) Lassiter didn't make any reference to Guerrero shooting that guy in Sanctuary, so right now it looks like there might be three factions gunning for Chance.

If my show doesn't get renewed I will be so, so upset.

Now for Lost!

1) Yes, internet, it was the "most explosive episode of Lost yet." You're all very clever.:)

2) I shrieked aloud when Ilana blew up. I actually rewound the tape because I could not believe that had just happened.

3) Oh, Hurley. Everyone does love you! Or at least they should! His reconnecting with Libby was very sweet and appears to be yet another piece of incontrovertible proof that the alterna-verse is some kind construct.

4) It's so disturbing to see Ben walking around without a plan. I really hope he finds a purpose in these next few episodes; a focused, determined Ben is when he's at his best.

5) I don't believe that Desmond intended to kill Locke (despite how it looked!). I think he's forcing a meeting with Jack (because as we all know, there's only one doctor on Lost:). Hell, it's entirely possible that Jack might be able to perform miracle surgery and give Locke back the use to his legs. That doesn't mean he didn't take some clear glee in the act (unfairly, since it was Not Locke who tossed him down the well, although Desmond could well be holding a grudge over the whole button pushing debacle.)

6) That was the greatest "Next week on Lost" promo I've ever seen. Check this out, anyone who may have missed it:

image Click to view

I guess I can't put off talking about V any more. In a way it's almost a bad thing that Lost is so good week in and week out because V just suffers more by comparison. Also, its CGI continues to be terrible.

1) Well, at least something happened this week. Goodbye, Georgie! You reminded me of Castiel and so I enjoyed watching you, so of course you're the first to go. Although since I'm starting to wish the whole group could drop into the sun and replaced by a new group who do more than stand around making emphatic gestures, maybe I should look at this as a good start.

2) Well, of course he's not your biological son, Krycek. If he were he wouldn't whine so much. Although he would still get unhealthily attached to people, so I guess that's nurture over nature.

3) Okay, I guess I need to clarify my request: ABC, I would like more CoCs on this show. CoCs who are not lizard aliens. This is a show that takes place mostly in Manhattan and there's exactly one non-white human character. Not one human who speaks Spanish. Not one Asian character. In a show set in NYC. That is unacceptable.

4) I'm really hoping Chad sells out to the V's completely and becomes their Gaius Baltar. It would give humanity an identity besides "gullible and emotional." I would love for him to be so cold-blooded that it gives Anna pause.

5) I just want the V's to do something horrible already. It seems like their plans have been falling into place for a thousand years.

6) So show, you're bringing in Sam Anders to play a sleeper agent for an evil, conquering civilization that can make themselves look just like humans, then have him lead a resistance group and turn against his race because he fell in love. Did you stop to think about how distracting that would be?

That's my biggest problem with the show, aside from the sub-glacial pace: it leans on its geeky gimmick casting to prop up its writing. Would I care at all about Tyler's dad if he wasn't being played by Nicolas Lea? Of course not! There's virtually nothing to the character aside from having been married to Erica and having a house on a lake. Same thing for virtually every other character. It's as if the writers know the audience is already fond of Elizabeth Mitchell and don't bother to give her any depth besides lady-cop-with-kid. Joel Gretch's Jack is every priest you have seen in anything ever. Why write John May being a compelling, inspirational leader who can instigate a full-on race war when you can just cast Anders and hope the BSG fans will fill in the blanks?

It's so frustrating, especially since I love it when Human Target indulges in geeky guest-casting --- the difference being that HT has a heart made of cheese and explosions and loves winking at its audience. That's why making Lee Majors step out of the shadows to an orchestral swell was so much fun. V is supposed to be serious scifi. What works on HT is a distraction on V; watching Anders lead a resistance only makes me want to watch BSG, not get more invested in V.

lost, guerrero is a bad dude, that show on after lost, clowns are evil, i love this show, do not want

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