Apr 08, 2010 01:13

davincis_girl made art for Leave The Confusion And All Disillusion. No one's ever made fanart for one of my fics before and I feel all shocked and flattered and squeeful. Thank you!


I'm putting this out of a cut because it's less a spoiler and more of an enticement: there was an honest-to-God sword fight on tonight's Human Target. A mace was also involved. Why are more of you not watching this show?!?

With that out of the way, on to the actual episode:

    1. How great was it to see Guerrero finally get to do some fighting? He meat shielded that goon like the old pro he is. And then he topped it off with that perfect sniper shot. They've talked up Guerrero's combat skills quite a bit over the season; it's so satisfying to get to see him flex those muscles on screen. (Did anyone else notice that he was sporting a lot more stubble than usual? He looked like he hadn't shaved in days.)

    2. His hitting Tony up for his dating secrets and the conversation with Winston at the end are interesting in light of what we learned in "Baptiste." We know (or at least Baptiste believes) that he has a child out there somewhere. Should we assume from this episode that he's not in contact --- or at any rate no longer in a relationship --- with the child's mother? He seemed to change the subject very quickly when the conversation got personal in the ambulance on the way to fetch Tony. (Obviously considering what happened to Katherine it would be a good idea to keep the fact that he cared about anyone a closely guarded secret.)

    3. I would bet money that Guerrero's ridiculous claim at the end is true purely because Winston would hate it so much.:) I get the feeling Guerrero rarely has to make up stories with the life he leads.

    4. Addition to the timeline: Guerrero's been living in NYC for eight years, meaning he was set up there a full year before Chance left the Old Man's organization. Fanfic writers, please start your engines unless I'm the only one guessing that Chance holed up with him when the situation with the Old Man went bad.

    5. I liked the Victoria A-plot much more than I thought I would from the preview. Christina Cole did a good job making Victoria sympathetic and likeable, especially considering that she had to overcome the audience's cognitive dissonance of "Waaaaaaiiit. She's supposed to be who, now?" I realize the show technically takes place in the DCU (or its own universe) but it probably would have been easier for everyone if she'd been Princess of Fakelandia rather than a member of a royal family the audience knows so well. I'm really curious how this plot will play in England.

    6. Of course Chance skipped the wedding to go brood at Katherine's grave. If only the show took place in Gotham! Then he and Bruce could work on their synchronized brooding medals!

    Is next week the season finale already?! I knew Amy Acker was going to be in the episode but it didn't occur to me that she could be Katherine. And I am so happy I read that interview regarding this episode, otherwise I would have been all "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at that scene of Guerrero and Chance fighting. As it is I can't wait for that flashback; I've been waiting ALL SEASON to find out how those two met.

    If Fox doesn't renew my show I will be SO SAD. Especially if the episode ends on a cliff hanger. I need Jackie Earle Haley committing felonies on my TV every week.


    So tonight I have to edit this fic enough that I won't be embarrassed to send it to beta, then see if I can throw something together in time to make dark_fest. Wish me luck!

writing's hard!, guerrero is a bad dude, i love this show, i has a happy

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