Well, that's personal canon now.

Feb 22, 2010 01:45

Have you ever read a crossover so right and so obvious that you wanted to hit yourself for not thinking of it? Check this out: Like Father by niennahfic. A very short (less than 300 words) gem of a The Dark Knight/Watchmen ficlet built around a brilliant idea: that the Joker's father just might have been a Comedian.

I've never had a more Well, obviously moment in my life.


Part of the fun of writing journal entries for Rorschach is his ability to write completely crazy things with a straight face. (My favorite line of Reflection was having him describe Wonder Woman as "dressed like a whore on Flag Day.") In the fic I'm working on now he just wrote about how his morals are impeding his investigation and I had to break off writing because I started giggling (it'll make sense in context.:)

Of course, the other side of things is the constant questions: Am I using too many semi-colons? Should I be dropping this pronoun? How run-on should this sentance be? Why can't he write the way he speaks?!?! Find the balance is so nerve-wracking.

That said, I have my fingers crossed that I'll have this fic ready for beta by the end of the week. *crosses fingers harder*

recs, crossovers that need to be, writing's hard!, watchmen, fic

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