'Cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine.

Feb 10, 2010 23:45

sisabet has posted how Lady Gaga's Bad Romance might as well be the Clark/Lex theme song, but it would also work really really well for Osborn/Sentry.

I want your ugly, I want your disease....


Check this out!


The multifandom fest for fanfiction with dark themes has just opened for prompt submission. We're looking for prompts in any fandom that will give a writer a chance to tell a dark and twisted tale. This is a fest about difficult subject matter, moral ambiguities, unhappy endings, no win scenarios, secrets, lies and shames, psychological messes, a look into the void, bad deeds, bad thoughts, bad decisions, twists of the canon mood or themes, pure evil, or good intentions paving the road to hell.

Prompt submission is open now until February 14th.
Prompt claiming runs from February 15th - February 25th, with finished fics due by April 8th.
For more info, check out the FAQ here

It's set up like the lgbtfest, a prompt challenge instead of a fic exchange and you can submit prompts without having to commit yourself to writing. I submitted some prompts already, and since I already have fics on my plate I'm unlikely to participate further unless I stumble over a prompt that makes a fic spill fully-formed from my brain to the computer.


This show is all car chases and fist fights and hilariously stilted exposition and I think that's why I'm falling in love with it a little bit. I missed the first few episodes, so I don't know whether or not I missed how the team came together, but after tonight I'm pretty sure they're saving that. At the very least they haven't revealed why Guerrero's hanging with Chance and Winston, since apparently Winston isn't all that clear on that himself.

I continue to find it hilarious that Guerrero talks like a surfer. His electrocuting that guy was my favorite part of the episode, just because he was so casual about it. I can't wait until we get an episode about him.


I still have not seen Lost. Woe.

guerrero is a bad dude, geekery, i love this show, pimpin', fic

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