Yes. A kaleidoscope. A deceptively hard word to spell.

Jan 15, 2010 00:56

I have an impressive bruise on on arm from the blood drive yesterday. I'm not alarmed or anything --- the handout I was given included the possibility of there being a "kaleidoscope of color" --- but it is still a fearsome thing. Fiance physically recoiled when I showed it to him.:)


There's a Claude fan wanking it up all over the possibility of this being the last season on some of the Heroes comms (check out Fandom Wank for a blow-by-blow) and it's giving me a severe case of contact embarrassment.

I'm always a little baffled when someone claims up and down that a character couldn't be gay/bi, uh uh, no way, but especially when it's a character like Claude whom know so little about --- like his real name, for instance. He doesn't so much as talk to a woman in his entire time on the show! (In fact, the only time he's even in the same room as a woman, it's because he's trying like crazy to break up Peter and Simone. This is not heterosexual subtext, people.

It's 2010. Can we start backing away from "straight until proven gay" yet? Noah being married does not mean he and Claude didn't let things get out of hand after a harrowing mission. Buffy slept with four guys on BtVS, but she also slept with a woman in the comics and had subtext galore with Faith.


Still plenty of time to contribute to help_haiti! (I'm going to be pimping this a lot. It's for a good cause!) I'm here, in case any of you would like to bend me to your whims.:) (Seriously, if there's a fic you've wanted me to write --- say a follow-up to an existing fic or a fandom or pairing we have in common you have a perfect prompt for --- this how you can force me to make it happen!

oh fandom, fic, claude, heroes

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