Icon love!

Sep 24, 2009 09:36

01. If you'd like, comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
02. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

Ganked from selenak, who asked about:

The full quote: "Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth." Kosh is my favorite B5 character (not that I don't love Londo and G'Kar like everyone else.:) I have a weakness for mentor figures, especially flawed mentors dealing with Chosen Ones who just won't do what they're told, and Kosh hit all of those buttons perfectly. I love how his relationship with Sheridan builds over seasons two and three, culminating in that heartbreaking dream in "Interludes and Examinations." Inscrutable, seemingly all-powerful and all-knowing Kosh admitting to John, "I was afraid," absolutely kills me every time I see it. (icon made my curtana)

Supernatural came up at --- I don't even remember, I think it might have been fandom_rant on Journalfen --- and one of the posters made the comment that the main bone of contention with a lot of fangirls seemed to be that Bela regularly outsmarted Sam and Dean.:) The whole conversation made me go, Man, I need a Bela icon because I loved that girl. Of course in a world like Supernatural there would be a market for talismans and such, and of course there would be people there to take advantage of it. I loved how she had no interest in the boys' ever-present drama and was all about saving her own skin. I completely believe that had she been a sexy but still amoral male thief she would have been embraced by fandom instead of written out after one season --- hell, she would have been the show's Gambit. And I love this icon of her; she looks glamorous and gorgeous and with just a little bit of a smirk. (icon by ladymason)

Ah, Phantom of the Opera. POTO is one of my oldest fandoms; when I was ten I used to listen to the cast recording on cassette over and over, trying to will myself into the music. For all of the movie's flaws (Mild sunburn!) I adored how they staged "Point of No Return"; the chemistry between Erik and Christine in that scene practically ignites the film. Ah, doomed, impossible, dysfunctional love. This is the only icon on this list I actually made, and I'm really happy with the composition and especially the way the text looks.

Look at how cute Ten is here! That kitten is totally staking her claim on him; I love his smile and the curve of his head. He just looks happy and relaxed and the whole effect is so sweet. This does double duty as my Ten icon and a KITTEN! icon.

"...go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do." I'm a little bit in love with My Chemical Romance's version of "Desolation Row" from the Watchmen soundtrack, so I would have grabbed this even if I didn't like the composition as much as I do. I love how small Rorschach looks climbing up that building, about to unwittingly set off that horrible chain of events that lead to Antartcica, and the way the text seems to be pressing in on him. Oh, Rorschach. This also serves as my general music discussion icon. (icon by sarah531)

That GQMF is Jarlaxle Baenre, my favorite Forgotten Realms character. This is taken from the mass market paperback cover of Servant of the Shard and is just such a striking picture of him. Jarlaxle leads an elite mercenary group, has a magic item for every occasion (hatband of holding. For real), has so much subtext with assassin and fellow badass Artemis Entreri that they got their own book series and is generally the smartest guy in the room. I use this for fantasy and RP discussions.

d&d, supernatural, meme, watchmen, phantom, b5

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