Shooting some b-ball outside the school

Aug 31, 2009 19:21

Am currently on vacation in Mass., chillaxing and relaxing all cool.

chrryblssmninja asked for 5 times Sam caught Dean watching Dragon Ball Z.

1) When Dean first saw Sam watching DBZ after school he made fun of him for most of the afternoon, acting like Sam was too old to be watching cartoons (ignoring that Dean himself was almost out of high school and watched almost nothing but cartoons). So Sam was a little upset when he caught Dean watching a repeat of the show later that night. "What can I say, Sammy?" he said, shrugging his shoulders and pointing to Bulma. "Chick's hot."

2) Years later Sam found Dean knocking back beers and watching the midnight run on Toonami. "Still hot, Sammy," Dean said, before Sam could even get a word out.

3) Sam tried to tell Dean that learning Japanese by watching DBZ fansubs wasn't going to impress the Japanese exchange student. How could Sam have known that she was the president of the her province's fanclub?

4) Sam did almost a week of research to be able to go undercover at Otakon to solve that poltergeist problem. Dean just watched a two hour block DBZ with the subtitles on. Sam still can't believe Dean got "Hey baby, you wanna see my Room of Spirit and Time?" to work on so many cosplayers.

5) A few month after John died Sam caught Dean up in the middle of the night watching DBZ. At first he was glad Dean had found something to get his mind off of things --- then he realized Dean was right in the middle of the Majin Vegeta arc episodes. He hovered in the doorway for a while, wondering if he should warn Dean about how it ended, before Dean saw him and told him to scram. Sam gave in and left, telling himself that after all these Dean must have seen the end of what was probably the best series of episodes.

A few hours later Sam woke the the sound of the remote crashing through the TV. Apparently he hadn't known after all.

Sam never did catch him watching the show again.


People? Disney buying Marvel isn't the end of comics as we know it. This is mostly a merchandising/movie deal, and none of the currently in production movies (which should include Cap, and the Avengers movie) seem to be included. Deadpool will not be forced to snuggle kittens every issue. Stop panicking.

supernatural, meme, dbz

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