Oh man, Mia's guest judge this week. Crazy has been achieved.
Couple #1: Janette & Brandon, Cha Cha What did they do to this girl's hair? She looks like Prince Valiant! This type of ballroom is actually really good for them; she's such a ham that all the eye goes right to her, but their chemistry is so good that he stays right with her. Their footwork is amazing. Nigel's falling all over himself . And there's the hot tamale train! I am deafened. And aw! Mia made Brandon cry by telling him that she's been so rough on him because she thinks he's so talented.
Couple #2: Kayla & Kupono, Contemporary Apparently he's supposed to be a vampire? Kayla's kicks and leg extensions are phenomenal. She's probably my favorite of the girls; her technique is just perfect. Oh Nigel. Stop trying to be hip.
Couple #3: Randi & Evan, Broadway Oh, that's not even fair. These two are so tiny and cute. They're almost pocket-sized. Evan is so light on his feet he's practically gliding. I love watching him play characters; he's so expressive and loose and relaxed. Man, I don't know what Nigel (and Mary and Mia!)was watching, I thought Evan was great, right down to his facial expressions.
Couple #4: Caitlin & Jason, Jazz All right, so far we've had vampires and now aliens. That is an unfortunate costume they have Caitlin in. She looks like Rita Repulsa's about to make her grow. That was...good? I think? I liked the way she moved and they really made the characters, but man, all I could see was the costume for a lot of it. Nigel said "weird" about 100 times in his crit. I'm with Mary: I really like them, but that was just self-consciously strange.
Couple #5: Jeanine & Philip, Hip Hop Yay, my favorite Eliza Dushku lookalike is still here! Philip has a good, angry stare for hip hop, but there was something missing for me. Not enough energy, maybe? I really like how they used the chain, but I wanted more impact on the steps. Nigel really digs it, though, and so does Mary.
Couple #6: Melissa & Ade, Ballet(!): My ballerina girl! OMG, she's dancing en pointe and everything! To Romeo & Juliet! Ade's jetes are gorgeous, and she's just glowing; you can see how happy she is to be getting to do this style. For someone not trained in this style Ade's carriage is beautiful: shoulders back, straight back, just beautiful. So much grace in this dance.
Couple #7: Karla & Vitolio, Quick Step: Oh no! The Quick Step! Doom! Doom and damnation! And now magical dancing mannequins! OH, I loved that costume change! They're going to say this isn't fast enough, I guarantee it. I thought Vitolio did very well, very straight and tall. But they like it! Even Mary, who usually eviscerates the quick steppers!