Zydrate comes in a little glass vial....

Feb 13, 2009 16:51

That frakking song has been stuck in my head for two days now. I think they put some kind of addictive contact poison in the DVD casing.


This week's fannish5:Name five non-canoncial couples that you would like - or would have liked - to see get together in canon.

1) Gambit/Iceman X-Men comics): Remy/Bobby was an extremely popular slash pairing for a while, especially when Kaylee's Kinda Mooks series was in full force, and I shipped them pretty hard. Harder than I even realized --- before Northstar came out there was buzz about who the gay mutant would be and I was sure it would be Bobby.

2) Gambit/Storm (X-Men comics): I have issues with the way Remy/Rogue unfolded.:) It used to be my OTP, but now I'm pretty much done with it unless it's an AU. I love the idea of Ororo and Remy getting togehter; she's known him longer than any other X-Man (technically since she was a kid:) and even just as friends they complement each other, her steadying him while he loosened her up and brought out a little of the street thief she used to be.

3) Jack/Martha (Doctor Who/Torchwood): It would be a terrible, unhealthy idea (after all, one of the things they have in common is that they're in love with the Doctor) and certianly wouldn't be long term, but I love the way they play off each other.

4) House/Cameron (House): Yeah, yeah, I know.:) It doesn't really work anymore, but I really shipped this pairing around S1. It hit my broken cynic/young idealist button hard.

5) J'onn & Renee Montoya (DC comics): Okay, obviously this isn't a romantic pairing, but what I wouldn't give for these two to have a book together. Take J'onn back to his detective roots, keep him away from the Justice League morass for a while, and have him open up a PI agency with Renne in Hub city. It'll give him a base city and her a foil and a big gun for when it's needed.

meme, fannish 5

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