Wait, did he actually have a plan? A SUCCESSFUL plan?

Feb 10, 2009 01:17

1) This may be the first time I've ever seen Peter successfully use strategy. I mean, I wish he had been able to fly Tracy out too, but he out-thought Nathan. If this new cap on his powers forces him to shake the cobwebs out of his brain I can only approve.

2) I'm glad we got a quick, clear explanation of how Peter's new powers work. It's a good move; by the start of Villains he was practically a god, and that's just hard to write around, especially in an ensemble series. I'm not at all convinced it'll stay a one-power cap, obviously --- Peter couldn't hold on to powers at the start of S1, remember, and he got over that. I like that this forces him to intelligently pick and choose for the time being, instead of just throwing thousands of powers at whatever he's fighting.

3) I'm liking the dynamic between Tracey and Peter. It's no secret that I wasn't a big fan of Niki (and man, did I not like Niki/Peter in 5YG, at least until it was revealed that he was mostly with her out of guilt and masochism) but Tracey earned a lot of points this ep.

4) I'm seriously bummed about Daphne. I'm hoping she's really not sincerely dead; speedsters tend to be real hard to kill permanently.

5) I had a good *sporfle* moment over Mohinder trying to talk Matt away from the Dark Side. "No Matt! That's not who we are! We don't kill people, or encase them in cocoons and hang them from our walls...wait, none of you know I did that. Let's forget I said anything." (Was Matt still living in Mohinder's apartment? With Daphne? That had to be awkward.)

6) We watched Repo: the Genetic Opera last night and Noah was showing serious shades of Repo (Anthony Stewart Head's character). It was kind of eerie. I loved Claire in this ep, though; tough and smart and absolutely not taking any of Nathan's crap. "Senator Flyboy" indeed.

7) So, Sylar's gone and gotten himself a padawan (named Luke!). Who just so happens to live five houses down from his dad. Who wants to lay odds that Sylar's found a brother after all? With Luke's Firestar-like microwave powers and Sylar's cryokinesis, Fiance pointed out that if they got Mohinder and Mr. Muggles they'd have the entire cast of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.

8) All right, let's all make our guesses as to who Claire's new friend is. We all know who I want it to be Claude would totally be capable of contacting her, and he would hate this BS as much as anyone {and hell, Peter and he could be colluding on it}), but let's have some more reasonable guesses. The obvious guess would be Hannah; with her power it would be a snap. It could be Mama Petrelli, using Claire as her agent against Nathan. It could be Daphne, talking to her from the speed force somehow (which is admittedly as much wishful thinking as hoping it's Claude). It could even be Sylar; he obviously knows what going on and might want to amass an army. Hell, it could be Noah, playing both sides. Ooh, or Micah! He could certainly send a crypted text, although I don't know if he'd know to contact Claire.

i love this show, heroes

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