My show! How I've missed you!
1) Oh, Peter. I loved that he was still helping people (and putting his medical training to work!) even while trying to keep a low profile. He's so good-aligned it hurts some times; he takes not being able to save one person, even someone who was probably a lost cause to begin with, as a personal failing. He's one of the few characters who really never used their powers selfishly, partially because he has such terrible self-esteem, but he really just wants to help everyone. Interesting that the injection seems to have altered his powers somewhat; he needs touch now, instead of his empathy being an area effect. And I liked the golden catalyst-under-the-skin-glow effect, although it did make it look like he was about to regenerate.
2) Peter was very evasive when Nathan asked him what powers he had. Should we take that as a clue that he has more than we've seen? He seemed to know that he needed to touch someone to absorb a power, so it's a reasonable assumption that he started the episode with at least one besides flight, most likely Claire's regeneration (I would likely have a fangirl attack and die should he use invisibility next week. I actually had a dream along those lines last night).
3) I love that Claire can be completely practical in one part of the episode (Matt's in trouble! Let me call him and warn him, displaying problem-solving skills no one else in the cast possesses!) and completely crazy later on (I will sneak onto this military plane! It's the only way!!!).
4) Then there's Matt. When you're a telepath, a precog and someone comes to your house to warn you and you still get caught I have no sympathy. Seriously Matt, I'm glad you're getting mocked from the great beyond.
5) On that note, apparently you can't be a mentor on Heroes without being at least a little bit of a dick about it, a trend I greatly approve of. Peter and Matt should bond.("Hey, at least you're just being haunted. He could have thrown you off a building.")
6) I'm running with the theory that Noah is a mole in this operation, considering that he played a similar role in 5YG. He still is the master of great reveals, though.
7) Tracey getting snatched should bring Governor Sheridan out of the woodwork, if there's any good in the world. Is it too much to hope for a Governor Sheridan/President Worf throwdown by the end of the season?
The Wrestler was very good, and I have to think that there was a lot of Beyond the Mat in there; Ram's look was clearly Hogan (since the Ayatollah was an Iron Sheik expy, he even had Hogan's classic opponent) but there was a lot of Jake Roberts in there, specially with the relationship with his daughter, and more than a little Terry Funk, too. What especially struck me was how they got the details right; the magazines at the beginning were pitch perfect, and they captured little things, like how the indie rings always sound a little too loud and tight, the crowd chants, the absolutely depressing atmosphere of an old-timer's autograph signing, the jargon. And I liked the subtle thread of how Ram wanted a life where everyone would only know him by his fake name, whereas Cassidy wanted was to be Pam. Good movie.