(no subject)

Oct 01, 2008 20:07

Dad and I started talking baseball on the ride home and who we're rooting for now that the Yankees are out (other than "whoever's playing Boston," obviously:); he's rooting for the Cubs because of Lou Pinella, whereas I want the Dodgers to go all the way. Not for Torre, although I like seeing him succeed but because by God, I want Donnie Baseball to get a ring. I don't even care what team he wins it with at this point; I would have loved for him to get it as a Yankee, but if it has to get it wearing Dodgers blue so be it.

This sparked a discussion about Mattingly's incredibly unfortunate timing; he just missed the great Yankees teams of the '70s, for years played all-star ball on terrible teams, then was forced to retire literally a season before the Yankees started dominating again in the '90s. I hadn't known this, but apparently the end of his last season was when they brought up Derek Jeter, who of course would win a World Series ring his first full season.

It just struck me that man, someday someone's going to write a great movie about that, that one pivotal season between success and failure. Here's this veteran who's always been in the wrong place at the wrong time, who gave his all but always came just short of that brass ring and is facing the end of his career with not much more than a nickname and an aching back to show for it, and there across the bench is his spiritual successor, this wide-eyed young kid who's going to touch greatness. Now that's drama.

And maybe it would get Mattingly into the frakking hall of fame, already.

We got the Iron Man DVD yesterday and immediately watched the deleted scenes; while I liked them all I could understand why they were cut. The cut I most regretted was Rhodey ramming his car into Stane during the fight with Tony in the street. I could see that it probably interrupted the flow of the scene but I loved Rhodey having Tony's back in that fight and it demonstrated his utter disregard for his own safety when it comes to Tony. And he and Tony bickering afterwards was adorable, especially Tony's "Are you done? Because I'm running out of cars." And the Dubai scenes were good but not worth sacrificing "Be honest, this isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing." Besides, the end clearly proves that Tony is a man who just does not bother himself with cover stories.

The one I'm most happy they cut is the extended ambush scene; badass as Rhodey looked manning that gun the thought that originally he could actually see Tony during the fight, that they grabbed Tony right from under him, that just hurts my heart, people.

Also worth seeing on the DVD is RDJ's screen test, where he already has Tony's cadence mostly down and is clearly charming the pants off of the casting people.:)

On a related Iron Man topic, I read War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD and oh, Rhodey. I knew he needed the suit for life support but I didn't know how just how messed up he was. And clever, clever Tony, not building his suit with Stark tech just in case something like this happened. And then that last panel where we find out that Tony prepared for possible invasion by building this best buddy a freaking giant transforming mecha. That is true love right there.

And oh yes, I read one other comic, Doctor Who: the Forgotten #1. The comic was one long *flail!* after another, but my biggest squee! moment was when the flashback started and it switched to black and white. That is just awesome.

The story borrows a bit from "The Five Doctors," but what worked there works here: someone is stealing the Doctor's memories and with them his life. The Doctor and Martha stumble onto what appears to be a Doctor museum complete with an exhibition of his past incarnations, which of course freaks the Doctor out because, well, that just shouldn't be. I loved Martha snarking on Six's fashion sense ("Were you trying out for Technicolor Dreamcoat?") and Ten's hyper-dramatic suffering. Bless Martha and her patience.:)

The flashback story really isn't very much, but it doesn't even matter because it's the First Doctor and Susan and Ian and Barbara snarking at each other through ancient Egypt. The voices are just completely spot on; I especially liked Barabara's quiet nerdgasm at finding herself face to face with a Pharaoh.

I was very impressed with the art; it's hard to draw real people and everyone looks like themselves. And I have to say, if Black-Gloves-and-Goatee is who he seems to be, I'm very interested in how this fits into continuity.:)

Next issue has Two and Three on the cover. Jamie! And Bessie!!!

iron man, doctor who, comics

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