Someone on Heroes really, really loves the X-Men.

Sep 23, 2008 17:35

1) Wow, Mohinder went from 0 to mad scientist in no time flat. What was it, a day from when he had his breakthrough to injecting himself with his super-serum (for one horrible second I thought he was going to dump it into the water supply, which was the only way he could have been dumber about the whole thing)? Not that this was in any way out of character; as soon as he had the needle in hand half the people in the room went, “He’s gonna test that on himself, isn’t he.” He’s always regarded the Supers with mixed envy, so there’s no real way he was going to let this opportunity pass him by. And it was fun watching him be Spider-Man for a while, except that it looked like he was going all Curt Connors towards the end there. Because that’s what happens when you practice crazy super-science.. Seriously Mohinder, you’re a brilliant scientist and all but I swear your Wisdom score is, like, 5. And that’s if we’re being generous.

2) Great opening reveal. The shooter being Scar!Peter was inspired.

3) Speaking of Scar!Peter, I liked how he managed to be completely badass while still being the same Peter we all and love---which is to say, well-meaning but…well, let’s say not great at planning and put it at that.:) This is a guy who clearly knows his powers in and out; I’m looking forward to see what his “maximum potential” really is. I also liked that it’s clear he’s not 5YG Scar!Peter; this Peter is driven and a little reckless, not defeated the way he was in 5YG. I also liked that during his time-hopping he took the time to get in a bratty little fight with Mama Petrelli.:)

4) Speaking of 5YG: man, are there any possible futures in this universe that don’t completely suck? I realize futures full of rainbows and ponies probably don’t have renegades time hopping back, but so far we’ve got President Sylar, plague that kills 95% of the population and now world that fears and hates us. It feels like X-Men, where each possible future was more horrible and dystopian than the last.

5) Elle! Yay, Elle! I can’t believe how much that girl grew on me, and I was worried about the rumors that we weren’t going to get to see her at all this season.

6) Poor Hiro. I’m glad he finally told Ando why he was acting so weird, and I’m wondering what led to that confrontation we saw. I’ve always thought Peter’s scar looked like it was caused by a sword (although he Hiro and Peter were nominally on the same side in 5YG) so if Peter and Hiro go to war over the formula it could be very interesting ; on the other hand, I get the feeling this is part and parcel with Mohinder’s story. He would have made the breakthrough whether Nathan made the announcement or not, and you know Ando would be first on line to get powers if they were being handed out. If Ando used it and regretted it, maybe believing that the formula should be destroyed, that might bring him to hurt Hiro. Hmm.

7) As much as I agree that there are plenty of blondes on the show already, I can’t argue with having a blonde speedster who wears red. Comic book staple, and I liked Daphne’s crazy, Carmen Sandiego lair. And until it’s proven otherwise, I choose to believe that her “boss” actually is Carmen Sandiego.:)

8) Totally called it with Niki/Jessica/Tracy having different powers (assuming that’s actually what’s going on and not clones or some other strangeness).:) I’ve been hoping for this for a while; it gives the multiple personality aspect a purpose. And I like her thing with President Sheridan and how Nathan is being dragged in.

9) “Thank you, turtle.” “Why are you talking to the turtle?” Hee. It’s wrong, but I enjoy it when the universe messing with Parkman. He has fun reactions. I’m beginning to wonder if Heroes is setting up some kind of inverse Stand conflict here (BTW, Angela’s the dream procog? Not Deveaux? Really? The heck?). In The Stand, the survivors of humanity are drawn to two leaders, one an old black woman (if you were good) or to a white man (for the evils). I’m wondering if they’re not swapping it to be an older white woman and a black man; Angela’s already aligning herself with Sylar, and she had that dream; meanwhile Matt gets thrown (intentionally or not) right into the path of another precog. I wonder if he’ll miss Mohinder’s craziness entirely (which would probably be for the best)>

10) So, Sylar’s the third Summers brother. Interesting but not entirely unexpected, and possibly explains the similarity be his power and Peter’s. Also, now Angela has achieved the alignment hat trick: one good son (Peter), one neutral son (Nathan) and one evil. I bet you anything Nathan calls him “Gabe” at some point.

11) So, Claire wants someone to train her in how to use her powers, training like Peter got. And Peter isn’t going to be the one to do it. I could wonder significantly about who this mystery trainer could be, but I choose instead to tell myself that it was just a stray line and not to get my hopes up. See me, with my hopes not raised.
I swear by all that’s holy Tim Kring, if you’re toying with me I will throttle you with my own bare hands.

Good Lord, a lot happened. And that's not even all of it.

i love this show, heroes

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