You need a constant.

Mar 01, 2008 00:15

I was in tears when Penny finally picked up the phone. God, I love this show. Oh, Desmond. I don't go into Lost expecting a lot of happy endings (I'll be shocked if Locke makes it out alive, and he's my favorite character) but I really need Penny and Des to get the Good Ending.

My massive Desmond/Penny love aside, I really liked the interaction between Desmond and Sayid. Sayid had a very nice balance of menace and tenderness, which is a side that doesn't always get to come out. He's at his best when he has someone to protect and something to fix, and this ep gave him both.:)

I'm also intrigued that Desmond is Dan's constant. I'm intrigued by all of the newbies this season, actually; I've been patiently waiting for Miles the ghost whisperer to see some of the walking dead on the Island.:)

Switching gears, there's a discussion going on at fanficrants about the logistics of crossing over Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Harry Potter, specifically the differences in the magic systems (watch me misremember canon!). I don't think the two systems are irreconcilable; it's much easier if you use Tara or Jenny as your baseline witch instead of Willow, especially since Willow is a freakish prodigy even by BtVS standards. I like to play it as different ways of channeling the same energy; Int vs Cha casting in a way. BtVS mages (especially Willow) can blow most HP wizards out of the water by sheer power, but the HP kids seem to be able to do more with their magic. Most Hogwarts students have Transfiguration pretty much down by the time they take their O-Levels, but Willow does it exactly twice (and of those times was by accident). The only other character I can remember doing anything like that is Ethan, and he clearly has a prestige class.:) I'm not sure I wouldn't stat Chaos Mage as some kind of freaky Buffy-verse cleric, honestly.

Anyway, while I was think all of that over I started thinking about the way the two sources treat vampires, and whether that's not a bigger sticking point than the magic when something occurred to me. In BtVS, vampires are essentially corpses animated by a demon imprinted with the deceased's memories. The vamp may act like the person, but the actual soul of the person is long gone. In HP a Dementor's Kiss destroys the soul but leaves the person otherwise intact, so far as we've seen. Now what would happen if a BtVS-vampire bit someone who'd been Kissed? The demon would still take up residence and get imprinted, right? So in theory, vamping, say Barty Crouch Jr would almost bring him back to life, wouldn't it?

It would be a fun post-POA AU to have Sirius actually fall victim to the Kiss and later get vamped. Now what happens?:)

And since I'm apparently in a fannish sort of mood, a meme! (not that people respond to my memes.:) Oh well, you never know, and I've always liked this one): Give me a character from any of my fandoms, and I'll give you three facts from my personal "fanon" for that character.

i love this show, meme, buffy

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