I am just the definition of tired right now. Go ahead, look it up. See the little picture, the chickie with the glasses watching Colbert? Yep. That's me.
I'm still not used to this whole high-speed internet thing. Going from dial-up to cable, it's such a big difference I feel like I want to download the world. No BBCA on the IO? Not a problem! The interwebs will provide! No longer does it take a half hour to watch a video on You Tube! This is exactly what it would feel like to finally see the sailboat.
I'm bouncing in between two Heroes fics right now; one is literally three paragraphs from done and being sent for betaing, but has nonetheless stalled to a creaky stop that I'm determined to bludgeon it out of tomorrow. The other one I was having a problem, but I think I may have fixed the block by switching POVs. This may be progress. Hopefully. Maybe after these two Claude will stop hijacking my brain long enough for me to finish the Jack fic I've been working on.
Lost tomorrow! I'm so psyched. I didn't realize how much I missed that show until I started seeing the commercials. Nineteen hours until Locke! Yay!
Oh, and here's a fic rec, courtesy of
Forgetting the Nightmare by
casirafics, Nine/Jack, R (which is harder than I'd rate it. There's sex, but it's not at all explicit). Jack settling into the TARDIS in between "The Doctor Dances" and "Boomtown" is one of my favorite kinds of fic, and this is wonderfully done. Sharp characterizations and a perfectly enigmatic, alien Doctor. Highly recommended.