Fic: Firestarter 6/6 (Supernatural; Dean/Castiel, Superhero AU, R)

Feb 01, 2014 11:10

Fic Title: Firestarter (Art Masterpost)
Author: misachan
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural (Superhero AU)
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel (also featuring Sam, Balthazar, Uriel, Gabriel and Alastair)
Rating: R
Word Count: 1540
Warnings: Brief descriptions of violence, minor character death

Summary: Dean Winchester was raised to be a hero, fighting alongside his father to protect the innocents of Lawrence City. Was he ever glad his old man wasn't alive to see him now. A Supernatural superhero AU.


Dean, Cas and Sam were just dividing up patrol for the night when the Trickster just appeared. “I have a proposition.”

Dean's knife was out before he even finished his sentence. “I propose you go away and leave us the hell alone.”

Trickster put his hands up.”Relax, I come in peace or whatever it is you humans like to say. Since threatening didn't work I'm going to resort to asking nicely: Will the three of you please leave this city and never come back?”

Dean rolled his eyes. “See, now this is just sad.”

“I'm not done. Let me sweeten the pot.” He snapped his fingers and a spotless Chevy Impala materialized, replacing the stolen, junked out Dodge that had been sitting in that spot. “Ta-da.”

“Dean, is that...” Sam started but Dean was way ahead of him.

“It can't be, it's been wrecked since....”

“Since your father, I know,” Trickster finished for him. “I fixed it for you. Because we're friends.”

“Because you want us to leave.”

“Mostly that.”

Dean crouched next to the car, looking in the window. Even the little flaws in the upholstery were the way Dean remembered them. “I don't get it,” he said, tearing himself away from his car. “I mean I get why you wanted me to leave before, but why now?”

Trickster sighed, leaning against the Impala and it look all of Dean's willpower to keep from telling him to get away from his baby's fender. “You may not realize this, but you three haven't been left alone because of your collective charm and good looks.” He crossed his arms over his chest, suddenly looking as exhausted as Dean had ever seen someone. “This city is a locus. The walls between the planes are thin to start with, that's why everyone's is clustered here. I can handle the demons and I can even handle the angels, but I can't handle both on top of the three of you causing more damage.”

“Look, we haven't....”

“You're being hunted, all three of you, and the highest concentration of the things hunting you in the world are in Lawrence. Believe me, before long you'll cause damage whether you mean to or not.” He looked directly at Dean. “Do you know how the walls will heal?”

Dean blinked at that. “I mean...just time.”

“No.” He snapped his fingers again and Dean could see the weaknesses in the dimensional walls, both the scars he'd caused and the other paper thin areas where anything could slip through. “As long as beings from other dimensions are here the walls won't heal,” Dean heard, the vision taking him all over the city. “Now the angels don't make much of an imprint, there aren't enough of us, but the demons.” He snapped his fingers again and Dean suddenly got an angel's eye view of just how many demons were infesting his city. “As long as they're here the walls won't heal. And it's worst here, don't get me wrong, but this is a world wide problem.”

He snapped his fingers again and Dean's vision snapped back to normal; he glanced over at Sam and saw he'd gone pale enough to be sure he'd seen the same thing. “So,” Dean said, trying to keep his voice steady. “You said you had a proposition.”

“Oh, now you want to talk. Fine. We need demons either destroyed or sent back to hell. Between the three of you there's probably no one more qualified to do that. Leave Lawrence to me, I need to stay here so I'm not surprised by any impromptu family reunions. The three of you go out and start taking care of everywhere else. Get all of your cape friends in on the act for all I care. Just stay out of my hair and I'll let you know if and when it's time to make sure every portal is closed for good.” He made eye contact with all three of them, staying on Dean the longest. “If you leave by dawn, I'll know we have a deal. And if you don't I'm keeping the car.” And with that he disappeared.

Dean felt like his head was spinning. “Okay. Okay,” he said, looking at the impossible car and still expecting to see torn metal and blood stains. “What do we think? Cas? You've been quiet.”

Castiel thinned his lips for a moment. “Can we trust him?”

“Pfff. No,” Dean said. “But I think he's on the level, or as on the level as he gets. It's just....” Dean sighed, studying his reflection in the Impala's hood. “This is our city, Cas. You don't leave your city like this, especially because some dick orders you to.”

“It's always gonna be our city, Dean,” Sam said. “But, I don't know. Maybe we could let him borrow it for a little bit.”


“C'mon, Dean, think. We're the only ones who know how bad this is. We've gotta get that out so people at least know what to look for. Think how fast Bobby could get this out through the comm center, or through Jo and Ellen.”

It felt like forever since Dean had spoken to any of the heroes he'd once considered family. “Let's sit on it,” Dean said, desperate to put off a decision he felt like he'd already made. “We have until dawn. One last patrol through Lawrence, all three of us.” Dean hadn't realized what he'd said until the words were out but then didn't feel like taking it back. “We make this city sing so that if we do go everyone remembers who really owns this town.”


Dean idled the car at the city limits line, waiting for dawn to light up the sky so he could wring out every last moment. Sam was sacked out in the back and Cas was beside him and everything had felt so right all night he wasn't sure how this had even been a hard decision.

“Are you sure of your path, Dean?”

Dean looked over at him. “Our path, Cas.”

Castiel conceded that, looking up at the fading stars. “This is the longest I've ever been away from the garrison,” he said. “I know I can never go back and what I thought was there was a lie but I still grieve it. I don't want you to do the same.”

Dean leaned over and kissed Castiel, drawing out a little sigh of surprise. “Let me tell you a secret, Cas,” he said. “I fought leaving because I wasn't gonna let anyone kick me out and I blustered because my dad would bluster but the reason I wouldn't run for it was because I knew what I'd be missing. Sam. My baby here,” he said, running his hands over the dashboard. “Stuff I didn't even know I'd be missing.” He glanced at Castiel and hoped he'd understood that meaning. “I've been running it through my head all night, what I'd be leaving behind, and it's just a lot of ghosts.”

“But you may never see your home again.”

Dean revved the engine. “That's what I'm saying, Cas. Behind me's my city and it always will be, and I'm damn sure coming back and that jerk better take care of her. But this is the first time I've been home in a long, long time. And you are too.” Dean triggered his fire, letting the flame hover over his palm. “Level with me, Cas. I'm gonna have to open portals to send demons back to Hell, Trickster all but said that. Is this gonna keep getting worse?”

“When you opened the portal to find me it didn't cause nearly the scar we've seen with the others and you weren't infected further,” Castiel said, reaching for Dean's other hand and running his thumb across Dean's palm as if to prove his point. “So we know it's possible, if we're careful. I think it's possible Alastair was intentionally damaging you.”

“Wouldn't be surprised.”

“And even if this does make it worse, we'll find ways to manage it.” Cas leaned back against the headrest. “I'd grown to enjoy patrolling,” he said, sounding almost wistful.

“You make it sound like we're gonna stop. Just more focused now, that's all. And we'll still find time for the regular kind, I promise. There's a lot of world out there besides Lawrence waiting for us to show them how it's done.” Dawn was coming. “You ready?”

Castiel squeezed his hand. “I'd like to see your world, Dean.”

Dean grinned. “Me too.”

“Is it safe or are you two gonna make out some more?” Sam called from the back seat.

Dean set the car in drive and pressed on the gas. “Get used to it, Sammy,” he said, putting in the first tape he found and turning up the volume. It was about time he introduced Cas to Led Zeppelin. “Time to go hunting.”


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supernatural, dean/castiel, slash, fic, au, reversebang

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