Fic: On Wings Of Steel 3/5 (Supernatural; Dean/Castiel, Steampunk AU, Explicit)

Jan 23, 2014 03:29

Title: On Wings Of Steel ( Art Masterpost)
Author: misachan
Fandom: Supernatural; Streampunk AU
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3157
Content Notes: Explicit sex, violence, minor character death

Summary: They may serve on the same airship but Dean knows regular crew and the elite who wear the Seraphim Star aren't supposed to have anything to do with each other.

It's a regulation Dean's more than willing to break.


It was over a month later when Dean opened his eyes in the dark of night, not sure what had woken him, to see Castiel standing in front of his door watching him. “Fuck,” Dean whispered, almost startling off the bed. “Don't do that.”

He'd left the lamp on, filling the room with just enough light for Dean to see Castiel's brow furrow. “I didn't mean to wake you.”

“Why not?”

“There's no need. I know your code.”

Dean wondered if they could just restart this entire conversation. “Okay. Why were you standing there not intending to wake me up?”

“I didn't mean....” Castiel let out a little huff of breath and that was interesting. Angels were hard to shake as a rule and Castiel was no exception. “I came here intending to speak with you but when I found you asleep I didn't intend to wake you to do that.”

That didn't answer the whole standing around watching you sleep question but Dean decided to let that slide. “You look better than the last time I saw you.”

“I've been cleared for duty.”

Dean didn't miss the hint of pride in Cas' voice when he'd said that. “Congrats.”

“Why are you here, Dean?”

The question caught Dean off guard. “Huh?”

“Here. On this ship.”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “You're the one who parked me here.”

“Why did you stay?” There was an edge to his voice Dean didn't understand. “You despise flying. You're just as uneasy today as you were the moment your feet first touched the deck. What made you join the crew?”

Dean leaned back against the wall, propping one arm behind his head. “You know how I wound up in Perdition in the first place? I know your CO does.” Castiel didn't answer, just tilted his head to the side. “The jerk was right, they'd wanted Sam. Never did get a straight answer as to why.” Dean smiled to himself. “When the front line fell I knocked Sam out and shoved him in a trench. Pretended I was him and the dumb mook who found me didn't know any better.”

“Didn't your father do something very similar for you?”

Dean's mouth felt like a desert. “Yeah.”

“The enemy has always been very interested in the Winchesters.”

“Yeah. Found that out the hard way. Shook the mook off easy enough and figured it would take a week to find my way out of the Fields, tops. Guess you know how that wound up.”

“Their leader was one of us, long ago. Did you know that?”

Dean shook his head, not bothering to hide his frown. He had no idea why Castiel had told him that and from the look of him Dean wasn't sure Cas knew why either. “That why this has been going on so long?” Castiel looked away with something that looked very much like shame. “Anyway, when I finally got out of there the military offered Sam a full ride if I stayed on. If I was willing to throw myself at the Perdition Fields to save Sam, fixing a few engines to give him a future didn't seem like such a big deal.”

“But why here? You could have been anywhere in the fleet. You were offered a place on the flagship.”

Dean wondered if that had been on merit or if Michael had wanted to keep an eye on him. “Yeah, I know.”

“Why didn't you take it?”

Dean almost had. The military had made him a lot of nice promises. He remembered being on the way to sign the transfer orders when he'd walked into the middle of a drop in progress. It had been the first time he'd seen Castiel since Perdition and he'd only had time for a split second glimpse before Cas threw himself over the side, then Dean had lucked into a good long look as the wind caught Cas' wings before he folded them down for a dive. He'd had his eyes shut tight the flight up to the airship and it was the first time he'd actually seen Castiel fly.

Dean remembered deciding to wait the night to make the transfer. Just to make sure Castiel got back. He told himself he'd owed the guy that much. “Good a place as any, right?” Castiel looked away and Dean wondered if he'd seen through that lie. “You mind I stuck around, Cas?”

Castiel did that head tilt again. “No,” he finally said, sounding like he was surprised both by the question and by his own answer. An expression that was dangerously close to a smile flitted across his face. “Balthazar's started calling me by that nickname, too.”

“You mind me calling you that?”


That sounded very sure. Dean tried to ignore how the way Castiel was looking at him slowly drew his chest tight. “Your turn now,” he said, watching Castiel's brow furrow in confusion again. “Why do you do all this?”

If anything that made Castiel look even more confused. “What else would I do?”

“Whatever you did before you decided to jump off airships.”

Castiel's frown only deepened. “I don't remember a time before I was in the Corps.”

Dean didn't know if that meant the Corps got them young or just messed with their memories. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. “Guess that's one way to make sure soldiers follow orders.”

Dammit, that had been the wrong thing to say; Castiel's eyes went hard and for a second Dean thought he was just going to leave. “Wars are lost if soldiers don't follow orders.”

“Pretty sure this war was lost a long time ago.” Dean shook his head. “Forget I said that. You said you're jumping in the morning, that mean your gear's back in fighting shape?” Which of course Dean knew it was, he'd done every inch of welding himself but that didn't mean he didn't want to hear Cas say it.

He could tell Castiel knew what he was doing but didn't seem to mind. “Well enough that I know it wasn't due to official channels.” He looked away again, which was just as well since Dean couldn't have kept the smirk off his face if he'd tried. “Thank you.”

“Eh. Fixing stuff is my thing.”

“I...didn't just mean for that.”

The air suddenly felt heavy, like something had gone wrong with the pressure. “You're welcome for that, too.”

Castiel nodded, turning back toward the door. Don't go. Stay the night. Instead Dean said, “Michael told me the Corps lost so many trying to get me that he rescinded the order.”

Castiel winced. “I wish he hadn't told you that.”

That was dangerously close to criticizing a superior officer. Good. “He said the only reason you got me was because you didn't know about the order change.” Dean watched Castiel's expression very carefully. “That's not really true, is it.”

Castiel lifted his chin, like he was squaring for a challenge. “No.”

Dean couldn't believe Castiel had admitted it. “You ever defy an order before that?”

“No. Nor since.”

No, but he'd been willing to come damn close a bunch of times. Sneaking into his quarters like this was proof enough to that. Dean lay back on his bunk and stared at the ceiling, a sing-song voice echoing in his ear. “I did a lot of things to survive there, Cas. You were there long enough to know what it takes. By the time you got to me I'd given up caring if I ever got out.” He looked at his hand, expecting to see blood under his nails. “I don't know what court martial is for you guys but I'm guessing it's not fun. Don't know why you'd take that risk.”

“Because the alternative would be leaving you in that place.”

Dean squeezed his eyes shut for a few very long moments. “When I first got ship side the rumor went around that I was a spy. That I'd been let go to see how you all worked.”

He opened his eyes again in time to see Castiel nod. “I'm aware.”

No wonder most of his crew looks at me like that. “You ever wonder if it was true?”

Another head tilt. “I never bothered to consider it.”

“What if it had been true? Would you have let me rot then?”

Dean felt Castiel's eyes study him for a very long time. “No.”

Dean let out a very long breath. “You're such a dumbass.” Castiel looked like he was determined to take that as a compliment and Dean wasn't sure whether he hadn't meant it as one. “Your boy Inias told me that you guys are trained not to care whether or not you come back from drops.”

Castiel's brow crinkled back up in confusion. “That's true. It keeps us from hesitating in the moment. In theory.”

“Care.” When Castiel met his eyes Dean couldn't read the expression there. “I want you to care.”

Castiel didn't respond. A few minutes later Dean heard first bells sound and Castiel slipped back out the door, as quietly as he'd come.



He'd wondered if Castiel would say anything. Since that first night Castiel hadn't taken the chance of slipping into Dean's quarters again, although Dean was careful to hide the blueprints of the wings he'd been working on just in case Cas got the urge. He didn't know if Castiel would be bound by duty to report it and he was so close to done. Practically ready for a test flight.

Dean estimated that Cas had been standing there for an hour or so already. No words, just watching. Dean had decided to leave it be as long as he could stand it and was glad Cas had cracked first. “Are you awake, Dean?”

Dean made a show of “waking up,” as if he hadn't been waiting for Castiel to make some kind of move for ages now. “That you, Cas? What's up?”

“I....” There was just enough light in the room for Dean to see Cas swallow, a nervous gesture that got every inch of Dean's attention. “Would it be all right if I passed the night here?” The words came out in a rush. “The...the heat on our side of the ship seems to be out.”

Dean narrowed his eyes. That had sounded suspiciously like a lie. “You want me to rouse the stokers? They're probably up to their gills in grog this far into the shift but I'll make sure they....”

“No! No, that's not necessary.”

Dean leaned up on one elbow. No, I bet it's not. “Yeah, probably not worth the effort,” he said, deciding to play along. “Takes forever for the steam to warm up a ship this big, anyway.” Castiel looked visibly relieved that Dean wasn't pressing things. “You got a drop in the morning?” Cas nodded but that didn't solve any mysteries; his squad had gone on close to a dozen drops over the past few months without Castiel ever feeling the urge to lurk around Dean's bunk. “Sounds like you need the rest, then.”

More relief still. Castiel sat on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest like he'd intended to sleep that way and Dean almost couldn't fight down the urge to laugh at him. “Dude. Bed's over here.”

“There's no need to turn you out.....”

“Cas. The bed isn't that small.”

Dean didn't know how a guy who jumped off airships without blinking could look terrified out of his mind now. He wasn't the type to back down from a challenge though; before too long he pushed himself to his feet, crossed the small cabin and lay down next to Dean, making very sure to stay on top of the blanket and take up as little space as possible.

“You usually sleep in your uniform?” Dean said, unable to resist pushing his luck.

“Yes.” The glare he sent Dean's way could ignite gunpowder.

That time Dean did laugh at him, turning over to show Cas a little mercy. He supposed he was lucky Cas had taken off his shoes. Dean closed his eyes, pretending to sleep even though he had absolutely no intention of that happening. He felt Castiel slowly relax as the minutes crawled by but despite his lie he knew Cas wasn't asleep either. Dean didn't know what it felt like to jump off the deck of a ship but he imagined the moment before felt just like this.

Dean heard first bells sound, then second. Just when he almost had actually fallen asleep Dean heard Castiel let out a single harsh breath, then whisper a word to himself that Dean would bet a week's wages was the angelic version of a swear. For an instant he thought Castiel was going to sneak back out.

Instead he felt Castiel lean over him, being careful not to touch him. Dean held very still, not daring to do so much as breathe while Castiel was this close to him. The bed creaked as Cas shifted position and Dean felt Cas' breath against his lips. That second stretched for an eternity.

Dean could almost feel the moment Castiel's nerve crumbled. When he pulled back Dean grabbed his wrist, the contact enough to freeze Cas in place like Dean had been made of electricity. Dean opened his eyes and saw absolute mortification on Castiel's face and shook his head, pulling Cas back down against him. Cas shivered when Dean kissed him, like it had gone through his entire body. “That's what you came here to do, right?”

Castiel let out another short, frustrated breath. “I don't know what I came here to do.”

Close enough. “Get under here,” Dean whispered, and that made Castiel shiver again. As Cas slid into bed beside him Dean snuffed out the lamp; he thought this would be easier if Cas didn't have to see all the regs they were breaking. “What's going on, Cas?”

Instead of an answer Dean felt Castiel's thumb trace along the edge of his lower lip. Before Dean could even draw a breath Castiel kissed him, hard enough to press Dean down into the mattress. Dean cradled his head as he pulled back just enough to shift positions, pulling Castiel all the way on top of him. “You ever done this before?” Dean whispered, although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer. When Cas shook his head as expected Dean pressed one finger over his lips to prevent him from saying anything else. “Follow my lead, then.”

The next time Dean kissed him was very gentle, barely making contact. He curled one hand around the back of Castiel's head, holding him in place as Dean slowly teased his lips open, increasing pressure as Cas figured out how to kiss back. Whenever Cas' lips moved against his Dean could feel it echo through him, like lightning hitting his spine. Cas grabbed a handful of his hair as he started to gain some confidence, the give and take settling into an easy rhythm. Dean decided to get busy freeing Cas from his clothes, moving his hands down to start in on the uniform shirt buttons, being very careful not to rip anything despite every cell in his body wanting him to. Not that Cas was helping much; he'd started kissing down Dean's neck, his lips finding every sensitive inch of skin like he'd been studying a Dean Winchester road map. “I like the way you taste,” Cas whispered without even the hint of a leer, like he'd genuinely made an amazing discovery, and Dean felt his mind all but lock up.

Getting Castiel out of his clothes became a priority. Dean gave up caring about keeping the uniform pristine and it was only a few more seconds before Castiel was naked against him; Dean didn't wear that much and it didn't take him nearly as long. Dean found Cas' lips again as he trailed his hands down Cas' body, seeing him with his fingers.

Dean was already rocking his hips, hard and close to climax despite himself. He shifted Castiel into better position, feeling Castiel gasp when their cocks touched. “That's what we want,” he whispered, wrapping his legs over Cas' to lock their bodies together. Dean could actually think of a whole lot of other things he also wanted right now but this was good for a first time, all skin contact and sweat and Cas' face pressed into the curve of his neck. Dean felt Castiel's breathing start to stutter and dug his nails into Cas' back; he slid his other hand between them and wrapped it tight around Cas' cock. Castiel let out a whimpering little sound, breathless and shaking and both hands tight in Dean's hair as Dean kissed him again. Dean wanted to taste him as he came, wanted Cas' tongue in his mouth as Dean made him unravel.

He didn't have to wait long. One more roll of his hips and Castiel came against him with a muffled moan, shaking as the climax seemed to take him by surprise. If he'd felt anything like Dean did a few seconds later Dean couldn't blame him; it was far from Dean's first time but this orgasm wrecked him, sending jolts of sensation down his legs and sparks in front of his eyes. If Castiel had been inside him Dean thought he actually might have died.

As it was Dean felt weightless and hollowed out, Cas' body still pressed against him the only thing keeping him on the bed. Dean wrapped the blanket around them, not willing to lose all this warmth yet. “Got something to show you when you get back from the drop tomorrow,” he said, combing his fingers through Castiel's hair.

It was a few minutes before Castiel answered. “You should probably show me now.”

Dean ignored how that sent ice wrapping around his spine. He trailed his fingers down Cas' face until he could tip his chin up and kissed him harder than he'd meant to. “I'll show you when you get back.”

Castiel just wrapped around him like a human snake. Dean only meant to close his eyes for a few seconds, to savor how this felt.

When he opened them again dawn had long passed and he was alone.

- On To Chapter 4 -
- Back To Masterpost -
- Back To Chapter 2 -

supernatural, dean/castiel, slash, fic, au, reversebang

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