I'm almost through the first season of Haven and I'm really enjoying the...I don't want to describe the vibe as low key because that sounds like a criticism when it's really, really not. It's kind of like a small-town X-Files with a much less oppressive arc plot, stand alone MoTW eps with some ongoing mysteries (The Colorado Kid, the Troubles, Audrey's past) chugging along in the background. And I love how it really has that Stephen King feel - Nathan especially feels like a King character - in addition to the little references that connect it to that universe. (Like Audrey getting a Misery book! And "Sheriff Flagg" thing in the opening, what the hell was that like?!)
Audrey is adorable, though. And God, that look on Nathan's face when [spoilers!]he realized he could feel Audrey's touch! Love 'em. Duke too. (Completely sad about [more spoilers]Eleanor dying. I haven't warmed up to her daughter nearly as much.)
I want fic where Audrey and Carlos bond over their weirdo adopted towns - maybe they meet on a forum for small town transplants and realize they have a lot more in common with each other than with the other members. (If nothing else Carlos' tales of woe would make Audrey feel so much better about dealing with Haven - "Hey, that should be your town's new motto: 'Night Vale - We're Worse Than Haven'" "You're not making me feel better." "Hey, I feel better.")
(Then maybe Cecil goes missing and Audrey stomps her way into Night Vale to help out her frantic buddy.)
I like Night Vale fics were Cecil's in trouble.
Yuletide noms close up tomorrow! Soon we'll see if I'm doing Yuletide this year or if I'm capslock ranting about the Thrawn Trilogy being rejected. Suspense!
(Also, I have some spare invites if anyone wants them.)