Sometimes I'm bad at fandom

Jul 26, 2013 09:41

So I'm slowly (slooooooowly - sorry morganoconner!) working my way through Teen Wolf and so far the only fics I'm really jonesing for are crossovers where Sheriff Johnny Cage Stillinski had an awesome badass secret past life and it suddenly all erupts around him in the present.

I mean, the Mortal Kombat thing is obvious (I already put a "Raiden shows up on the front lawn" prompt on comment_fic but seriously, anything. "Sheriff used to be a SHIELD agent before deciding that life was no good for a family" fic. "Sheriff was Keller's favorite fence before going straight" White Collar fic. "Sheriff's put his spy life behind him when Michael Weston shows up beaten to hell at his door." "Sheriff used to be the best car booster on the West Coast and Dom calls him up begging for a favor" F&F fic. You get the idea.

I'm thinking this is not TW's most thriving subgenre. /o\

Any recs out there for a lonely crossover fan?

my flist looks out for me, crossovers that need to be

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