Snippet Sunday + DCBB word count post

Jul 07, 2013 22:25

“So what is this thing? I assume you're tracking me already, so this is supposed to do, what? Make that easier?”

Coulson was the king of bland, meaningless smiles. Clint had been talked at by a lot of spies and bureaucrats in his day and all of them tried that trick but Coulson was the first one who could really do it without giving anything away. He didn't know what the guy did day to day when he wasn't following him all over the globe but he bet Coulson was damn good at it.

I will never, ever get enough of "Coulson recruiting Clint into SHIELD" fic. It is my very favorite.


deancasbigbang: It has begun!

(Apologies for the word count posts coming in the future. I flaked on this challenge last year and posting every day keeps me accountable. /o\)

writing's hard!, snippet sunday

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