Also, this happened.

Jul 04, 2013 17:37

Peer pressure is a terrible thing.

mind control
au: mundane
fake relationship

character in distress
trapped in a dream
meet the parents / family
rivals to lovers
huddle for warmth

first time / last time

au: alternate professions

chosen family
locked in
coming out (of the closet)

hurt / comfort
poor communication skills
au: royalty / aristocracy / feudal
immortality / reincarnation

At first I wasn't wild about this card but the more I look at it the more possibilites I see (morganoconner wants me to try for a blackout, which I've never gotten close to making before. And I'm starting to consider it!) There's nothing up there I couldn't do, I don't think.

The good thing about trope bingo is that the rules let you double up with other challenges, so if for instance a story would fill a square for h/c bingo AND trope bingo I could use it for both.

And chosen family is SO GOOD for Cas (and for Avengers fic, too!) Alternate professions works for my DCBB fic, and "character is distress" works for...well everything. (Seriously, that's not a trope!) And there are some tropes I've never played with before, like the nobility AU - that might be fun for Arrow fic (say, Ollie as a noble settling in again after being presumed dead, then his guards - Lance would be fun Captian of the guard, obviously - capture an assassin. And when they drag the brigand before him Ollie knows it's not the Deadshot like he'd been expecting but a very different man he knows very well from that island prison. (Slade/Ollie is my jam.:) And play the Robin Hood similarities up to the hilt, obviously.)

Anyone else have cards? Tell me of your cards! Or prompt me for mine!

bingo is my name-o, yes i signed up for something else

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