Snippet Sunday + SHIELD spec + DVD Meme #2 (Electric Boogaloo)

May 20, 2013 00:19

First, grasshopr_molly does a meme where she posts six sentences from a WiP every Sunday and I love the idea so much I'm stealing it without shame. Although I asked first. So it's no so much stealing as shameless copying, which I am entirely okay with.

Ollie spent the day putting in appearances and trying to act as normal as possible, including one excruciating conversation with Laurel where he had to smile and flirt and do anything else he could think of to not project Hey, you know Deathstroke, right? Yeah, I've got him stashed away in one of my safehouses. That would go over well.

Ollie got back to the house shortly before dusk, a bag of takeout under one arm. “Slade, you still here? I brought....”

He took one more step and froze as the edge of a sword pressed against his throat. Pure instinct kicked in and Ollie dropped to the ground, the sword slashing through the air close enough to cut his hair.


[Spec and wishful thinking based on the extended S.H.I.E.L.D. trailer]Okay, so J. August Richards is definitely in this show (Joss Whedon Reperatory Company represent!), but they're being very cagey with his character's name. Unless I completely missed it it's not said in the trailer in the SHIELD entry on IMDB doesn't have a name listed either, while everyone else does. What we do know is that he has some flavor of superpowers.

So what do we think the chances are of his character's name being Luke? Because I would be all over that.

(Hey, did you see what I did there, with them being cagey? Huh? Huh? I'll stop now.)


DVD Meme #2! sirenshaper wanted to know more about this sections from Who If I Cried Out Would Hear Me:

Cas leaned forward, his hands folded together.

Generally when I'm writing from Dean's POV the more emotional the scene the more likely it is to be “Cas” in the narration. (Unless it's a 2014 fic Castiel is never “Cas” in his own head, no matter how much he may like the nickname.)

"Dean," he said, his voice very patient, "if we were quarreling --- and I wasn't aware we were quarreling --- but if we were and you received word I had been captured by my enemies, if you heard me in pain, would you leave me to my fate?"

Castiel's very sure of Dean's answer here - it's kind of a mean thought exercise to put Dean through now but Cas has had a day and he just wants to make sure that if something like this ever happens again the call doesn't get nearly as close.

Just the thought of Cas screaming in pain made Dean want to kill something. "You know the answer to that."

And yet he still can't quite bring himself to just say it.:)

"Do you believe my regard for you to be so much less?"

There was something raw in Cas' voice that went through Dean.

Obviously this was written long before I saw the end of S6, but oh, the irony of Cas being hurt by someone being too prideful to ask for help!

"Hey. I'm sorry. I suck. Next time I really screw up, I'll send up a flag. Okay?" Cas nodded and Dean closed his eyes. "Good, 'cause I can't take any more of this touching moment crap." He heard Cas huff out an amused breath and almost chuckled himself. "I'm really tired, buddy, so if I pass out mid-sentence don't hold it against me."

Not that he thinks Cas would, but Dean always does his best to diffuse tension. (And note, it's kind of implied that he thinks Cas would stick around if he did fall asleep and that Dean has no problem with that.)

He was almost asleep when he felt Cas' hand on his chest, right over his heart. "Cas. I'm not dying."

"You're not dying now," Castiel corrected softly. "Towards the end I could hear your heart slowing. It was...." He let out a long breath. "I was very afraid for you, Dean."

One of the things I really like about writing Cas and the other angels is being able to play with the idea of them having inhuman senses. We know Cas doesn't see like a human, from “Abandon All Hope” and other episodes, so there's no reason his hearing, etc wouldn't be similarly advanced.

He made to move away and Dean stopped him, holding his hand against this chest. He wasn't sure which of them was more surprised. In the context of this story Dean and Cas haven't crossed any physical lines yet. The love's there, they just haven't moved quite to that point yet. Dean initiating this kind of contact, of prolonging the touch and making it clear that he wants Cas to touch him is a big step.

"This is probably a total dick thing to say, but I'm glad you were hearing me. I know it had to suck, and God knows I couldn't have done it,

Putting aside that Cas almost fell apart hearing Dean hurt, Dean being forced to listen to someone he loved scream for hours would not be pretty and would probably require a darkfic tag.

but...I don't know. One of the things Alastair used to say is that it didn't matter if I screamed 'cause no one was listening."

He heard Cas' breath catch. "I was listening, Dean. Remember, we were laying siege to Hell. Even then I could hear you."

I will cling forever to this headcanon.:)

Dean wanted to make a joke about Cas starting the stalking early but didn't trust his voice to keep steady.

You know the situation's serious when Dean can't manage to joke about it to deflect.

"Well...thanks," he said, after a long moment. "Y'know, for looking out for me. Don't know why you bother sometimes, you gotta have more important things going on, but...just thanks." He decided he'd blame the inarticulate mushiness on blood loss later.

Dean heard Castiel shift, then a moment later felt breath against his ear. He heard Cas take a deep breath and hold it; Dean's heart started pounding, because it was almost like Cas was working up to something.

Dean knows they're right on the edge of something here and he's worried that if he does anything he'll wreck it, even if he doesn't know (or can't admit yet) what that edge is.

Then Castiel whispered a string of words in Enochian, the strange syllables running into each other in Cas' rasping voice. Dean didn't understand the words but he felt them, a warm rush of energy vibrating under his skin and wrapping around his soul.

Have I mentioned how much I love Enochian? Love it. Love how strange and imposing and alien it sounds on the show, love any excuse to use it.

"Hey. What's that mean?" he asked, a little breathless.

"I've never found the translation satisfactory."

So many comments and reviews were demands to know what Cas said.:)

"Oh." He let a few moments pass by. "Could you say it again?"

Dean's so overwhelmed he barely knows what he's saying (and can't even start thinking about it.:) but he wants to feel that again.

There was that amused huff of breath again. "It's not something one says twice."

So whatever it was, it's significant stuff. Something he can only say once, and he said it to Dean.

The blanket was pulled up around his shoulders. "You need to rest, Dean." He felt Cas' fingers trail through his hair before stopping at his temple.

Another intimate touch.

Dean drifted back to sleep before he could say another word, Castiel's hand warm over his heart.

Dean's not the only one who can be overwhelmed by the moment.:)

meme, snippet sunday, wishful thinking, talking about myself

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