It lives! (DVD Meme #1)

May 16, 2013 23:41

LJ! Never leave me again! *hugs flist tightly*

Some of you are doing intoabar, how'd your assignments turn out? I managed to draw the one character in the four fandoms I offered that I desperately hoped I wouldn't get. /o\ On the bright side, I think the fic should be decently short, a definite positive since this is the season where I write All The Things.


And now for the DVD Meme!

From What Stays And What Fades Away for grasshopr_molly:

(For context, this is a SPN/Avengers crossover where Clint is secretly an angel (Paschar, the angel of vision.) The events of "Abandon All Hope" triggered a demonic sleeper personality in Natasha and, out of options, Clint has contacted Lucifer to intervene. And, scene:

"It seems I'm surrounded by curious things." He crossed his arms, his head tilted to the side as he watched Clint in the dust.

This is obviously a call back to the scene between Cas and Lucifer in “Abandon All Hope,” which to Lucifer was the night before. He doesn't know what's going on with his brothers and is frankly a little grossed out by it. But he's willing to use it to his advantage, because he's not an idiot.

"What are you offering me for this human of yours?"

"I'll serve you." He couldn't look at Lucifer as he said it. "If you win your slap-fight with Michael, I'll serve you."

Clint's gambling. If the Apocalypse doesn't happen, or Michael wins (which brings its own set of problems - Clint doesn't think Michael would let his deserting ass live all that long if he wins, but he doesn't have time to think about that right now) this deal never comes into play. And yet at the same time in his heart of hearts if he has to serve one of them, it would be Lucifer. Clint's disgusted by both of them, but he expects more from Michael, or at least he did at one time.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "That's not a bargain. Everyone will serve me then-"

"You thought that the first time and you see how that worked out." He pushed himself back to a sitting position. "Even if you win Michael's going to have loyalists. They'll keep fighting you until the end of time, you know that. And that assumes Raphael falls in line, and Gabriel. I can make that easier on you."

So much bluffing. This is both to puncture Lucifer's vanity - it's headcanon for me that Lucifer really doesn't understand why he was opposed the first time - and to plant the idea that it might happen again. Clint believes the rank and file angels would fight to the bitter end because he would have, but he really doesn't know how the other archs would react. (I'm not all that sure how Raphael would have reacted myself - we know he wants to watch the world burn, but I'm not convinced he wouldn't have been undermining Lucifer the whole time. If anything, Raphael's nihilism seems more dangerous; Lucifer thinks the Earth is wonderful, he just wants to wipe out all the people making a mess of it. Raphael doesn't seem to care if anything survives.)

And then after Clint finds that one little weak spot in Lucifer's armor, he throws himself right at it.

Lucifer smiled, the curve of his lips obscene. "You would actually do that? You would be my hound?"

As far as Lucifer's concerned, he's having an awesome couple of days.

"With conditions. You fix what's happening with Nat. And you don't touch SHIELD, none of your people do. Anyone wears a SHIELD badge, you act like they don't exist." When Lucifer started to protest that Clint said, "I'm worth more than a handful of humans and you know it."

Clint's trying to mitigate the damage if the worst comes to pass. SHIELD is his garrison; this way he can buy their safety. From himself included, if it comes to that.

"You don't believe that, why should I?"

Clint really doesn't. He's selling himself for one human's soul here and they both know it.

Lucifer crouched down again, rubbing his chin. "Swear to me. Bind yourself unquestionably to my service and I'll throw you your bone. Michael's right hand working for me is something worth bargaining for, if only to see the look on his face. Especially at these prices."

Lucifer loves being petty. He gets to take one of his brother's favorite toys and all he has to do is let a few humans squirm out of his net? Done. Sold.

"You don't get anything from me until the fight happens."

"Details." He smiled again. "You're making me a lot of promises."

"I was good enough to run you down, wasn't I?" Back in Heaven Michael was the general but Clint did the grunt work. The truth was Clint had always been someone's hound.

Well, someone has to do the grunt work. Not that Clint/Paschar was a “grunt” per se; Michael's right hand is a pretty high-ranking position, after all. In fact, that Michael trusted Paschar was what set all this in motion: when Anna fell Michael sent him to find out why one of his garrison commanders had gone AWOL and the investigation led him to find out more about the Apocalypse plans than Michael had intended.

Lucifer seemed to like that answer. "You used a bow, didn't you? Not a sword?"

Well, of course he did.:)

Clint narrowed his eyes and didn't bother to answer; Lucifer knew damn well what weapon he used, arrows to the eye tended to be memorable even for archangels.

Clint's arrows can't kill an archangel, but that doesn't mean he can't make them hurt.

And Lucifer didn't press him for one; he stared at Clint for another second, then backed away, shaking his head. He pressed his hands together and murmured a few words in Enochian, light springing to life between his palms. Clint watched him pull his hands apart and saw a silver arrow form from that bright light, then Lucifer handed it to him over the flames. "If you miss your shot, that's not my fault. Your offer's still binding. You understand?"

Everything's coming up Lucifer.:) And he just has to get in that one petty extra victory.

Clint stood and reached for the arrow. "Yes."

"Yes, what?" Lucifer said, holding it just up out of Clint's reach.

Clint snatched it from his grasp. "You haven't won yet."

"Like I said. Details."

Lucifer knows Clint calls Coulson and Fury “sir” and frankly finds it perverse, that something that once took orders from Michael himself would submit to these humans. Ugh. He actually finds Castiel's weird affection for humans more palatable because at least he isn't cheerfully letting them order him around. He's testing Clint here and very much looking forward to when he can force Clint to call him sir.


DVD meme is still open! Just comment here.

secret angels, meme, stop being stupid lj, talking about myself

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