Return of the DVD Commentary meme!

May 10, 2013 20:38

Been a while, so let's dust off my favorite meme!

Pick any passage of 500 words or less from any story I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you the equivalent of a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the character's heads ( Read more... )

meme, talking about myself

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YES! This meme again! sirenshaper May 11 2013, 21:45:36 UTC
Cas leaned forward, his hands folded together. "Dean," he said, his voice very patient, "if we were quarreling --- and I wasn't aware we were quarreling --- but if we were and you received word I had been captured by my enemies, if you heard me in pain, would you leave me to my fate?"

Just the thought of Cas screaming in pain made Dean want to kill something. "You know the answer to that."

"Do you believe my regard for you to be so much less?"

There was something raw in Cas' voice that went through Dean. "Hey. I'm sorry. I suck. Next time I really screw up, I'll send up a flag. Okay?" Cas nodded and Dean closed his eyes. "Good, 'cause I can't take any more of this touching moment crap." He heard Cas huff out an amused breath and almost chuckled himself. "I'm really tired, buddy, so if I pass out mid-sentence don't hold it against me."

He was almost asleep when he felt Cas' hand on his chest, right over his heart. "Cas. I'm not dying."

"You're not dying now," Castiel corrected softly. "Towards the end I could hear your heart slowing. It was...." He let out a long breath. "I was very afraid for you, Dean."

He made to move away and Dean stopped him, holding his hand against this chest. He wasn't sure which of them was more surprised. "This is probably a total dick thing to say, but I'm glad you were hearing me. I know it had to suck, and God knows I couldn't have done it, but...I don't know. One of the things Alastair used to say is that it didn't matter if I screamed 'cause no one was listening."

He heard Cas' breath catch. "I was listening, Dean. Remember, we were laying siege to Hell. Even then I could hear you."

Dean wanted to make a joke about Cas starting the stalking early but didn't trust his voice to keep steady. "Well...thanks," he said, after a long moment. "Y'know, for looking out for me. Don't know why you bother sometimes, you gotta have more important things going on, but...just thanks." He decided he'd blame the inarticulate mushiness on blood loss later.

Dean heard Castiel shift, then a moment later felt breath against his ear. He heard Cas take a deep breath and hold it; Dean's heart started pounding, because it was almost like Cas was working up to something.

Then Castiel whispered a string of words in Enochian, the strange syllables running into each other in Cas' rasping voice. Dean didn't understand the words but he felt them, a warm rush of energy vibrating under his skin and wrapping around his soul. "Hey. What's that mean?" he asked, a little breathless.

"I've never found the translation satisfactory."

"Oh." He let a few moments pass by. "Could you say it again?"

There was that amused huff of breath again. "It's not something one says twice." The blanket was pulled up around his shoulders. "You need to rest, Dean." He felt Cas' fingers trail through his hair before stopping at his temple.

Dean drifted back to sleep before he could say another word, Castiel's hand warm over his heart.


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