Thirty Days Of TV: Day Eight

Mar 20, 2013 18:15

Before we get down to business, for anyone who missed it I posted two fics this past week: Dance With Your Ghost (Dean/2014!Cas) and Terms Of Service (Dean/Cas AU based on the fairy tale "The Elves And The Shoemaker." And written for dc_dystopia so y'know, cavet lector and all that.:) I've been rolling around in the comments for both of those like a happy puppy for the past few days, so thank all of you super much. You're awesome. ♥

Now back to the meme I will apparently never finish!

Day 08 - A show everyone should watch

Okay, the right answer to this is Homicide: Life on the Streets (best cop show ever!*) or Babylon 5 (loooooooooooove!) or maybe MST3K so you will understand why I'm singing about Puma Man and how he flies like a moron. Those are the right answers!

But I'm so in love with Arrow right now I don't care.:) I swear to all of you, this show has gotten really, really good. Fast-paced plotting and good action sequences and a really well developed villain. If he even is a villain, because I'm not even sure any more! And an actually compelling conspiracy plot, which is worth its weight in diamonds. I don't know if the writers can keep this pace up over multiple seasons, but this is a great ride. And that goes double if you have any appreciation for the DC universe, because love for the DCU is built into this show's bones.

No one is more surprised by this than me! I went in expecting a cheesy substitution for Smallville, which for its first three seasons was the show of my heart, but Arrow's already so much better than Smallville ever was. I want this show to have a ridiculously big fandom that writes all the fic.


(*Yes, yes, The Wire, but that's not a pure procedural the way Homicide is. And also I haven't see The Wire.)

The Rest of the Days:

Day 01 - A show that should never have been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this TV season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
Day 14 - Favorite male character
Day 15 - Favorite female character
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best TV show cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First TV show obsession
Day 29 - Current TV show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death.

tv, pimpin', arrow

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