Now Airing: The Walking Dead

Feb 10, 2013 21:08

Observe my stream of conscious ramblings!

God, Merle is a horrible, racist waste of human life but does he ever love his little brother. He's like Dean's evil redneck alternate. And Daryl got the crossbow back!

ETA 1: Merle. You are not helping your case.

Aw, I like Coach and RochelleTyrese and Sasha.

And Daryl is far too good a brother. But really Rick, you had to know that's how that would go.

ETA2: Okay, jerks, I know you guys weren't around for the last story arc, but treachery tends not to end well.

Glen? Glen, it's dead, buddy. And Andrea, honey, you need to get out of there. You know that, right? You can't be the only PC in crazyville forever.

ETA3: Aw, Carol looking for Daryl. ♥ Now explain why Daryl left, Rick. C'mon. Don't let her think he just took off at the first opportunity. Rick? *sigh*

Well, no, actually Merle killed some of those...oh right, you're Not Well. Forgot for a second there.

Um, Beth? What was that?

"Well, the problem is we've stumbled into a halfway L4D2 crossover."

Oh, Beth. You are definitely making the goo goo eyes at Rick. I mean, I understand there aren't many options, but that's a terrible idea.

ETA 4: AW CAROL. I ♥ you so much. Daryl will come back! I believe!

Also, Hershel, I ♥ you too. Such a good dad. This episode has me all ♥♥♥

AMC, stop trying to make Comic Book Men happen.

ETA 5: Walking Dead and white? Wha? Look, I love things in black and white but...what?

ETA 6: Noooooooooooooo! Ghost Lori! Why are you here! Why must you forever ruin this show? Why can't you just go away! I don't care if you're just a symptom of Rick's psychosis! WHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!

tv, i love this show, lori please fall down a pit

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