Dec 27, 2012 01:13

This year was an embarrassment of riches - I got two fics in the main collection (I went out on the pinch hit list, but I know I had a gift fic uploaded that earlier that day before I hit the list, so I'm wondering if those two were my original writer and my pinch hitter) and a treat in the Madness collection. All three were Into The Woods fics, which surprised me - I knew getting a Warriors Of Virtue fic was kind of a pipe dream, since that's very much a No One But Me fandom, but if I were going to pick one of my requested fandoms to win I would have put money on Tombstone. But it was an awesome surprise, because while I've read Tombstone fic I there's so little Into The Woods to be found.

And now there's three more!

the rope you began with (was never that straight): For all of her happiness, part of Cinderella is afraid of being stuck in a small story with the same few people for the rest of her life.

Absolutely fantastic Cinderella voice and it really feels like the original/DVD cast, my preferred one (especially Red!) The fairy tale cameos are to die for.

Beyond Ever After: It may not have been the happily ever they once imagined, but that didn't mean they couldn't try.

A very sweet, aching coda, this time from the Baker's POV.

Ever After: All is mended, and it's not just for today.

Just the summary made me smile. A quick snapshot of the Baker, Cinderella, Red and Jack pulling together after everything. I adored the description of their cottage.


Now assorted recs! I feel like I haven't even started digging through the archive (there are ten Brave fics, guys! TEN! And a 38K B5 fic!) so here's just a handful that completely knocked me over with awesome.

Bridges Unburnt: Faiza sets out on her own. (Captain Britain & MI:13)

♥FAIZA!♥ An absolutely perfect character study of Faiza and her awesome.

It's a love story for the new age: This is how the story goes:
“Marry me,” he says.
“Are you serious?” she replies. (Gargoyles)

♥FOX!♥ ♥FOX/XANATOS♥ (and the best part, hints of Fox/Xanatos/Owen!) This Fox is every bit as sharp-edged and messy and wild as she is in canon and her relationship with Xanatos hits every right note. It's like they all walked right off the show and into my computer.

Prisoner's Dilemma: AU: Set in a world where Miaka and Yui never appeared to fulfill their destinies as priestesses, Kutou and Kounan are locked in a seemingly endless war. Peace has begun to seem like an impossibility when the Emperor of Kounan is faced with a difficult choice that could spare his people. (Fushigi Yuugi)

Guys, I don't care if you've even ever heard of Fushigi Yuugi, read this anyway. An absolutely gorgeous AU (one that in a lot of ways has the potential to be a lot kinder and more hopeful to Nakago and Hotohori than canon ever could be.) I wish there could be books and books of this verse to see what happens next.

A Daring Escape: Carrier pigeons are very useful when planning an escape from a madman’s lair of doom. (Jonathon Coulton's "Skullcrusher Mountain")

Smartly drawn OCs and hilariously on point details. (the mentioning of a "rescuing-a-kidnapped-person discount" was my favorite.)

Go! Read!

recs, yuletide

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