Let's talk about Yuletide! (Or whatever other exchanges we're doing!)

Nov 16, 2012 15:47

I was lurking in the 2012 Yuletide collection to see what fandoms are listed and found out there's a to-be-revealed Dark Avengers fic. I didn't even know that was eligible again this year! Super excited. (Even if by law of averages it will probably be about Daken and not Bob or Norman. I miss that book.) I'm in the middle of writing my DCSS fic right now but I have my Yuletide story plotted out and I've been collecting letters for possible treats.

How is everyone doing? Making good progress? Like your assignment? Find any particularly juicy treat possibilities?

(I'm kicking myself over not thinking to ask for Gargoyles, btw. What a fool I am!)

writing's hard!, yuletide

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