Fine, I admit it. I MAY have a problem.

Oct 14, 2012 02:15

So, I um...may have signed up for Round 3 of dc_dystopia. /o\ I blame how competitive I get with claims.

So it's time for a bookkeeping post, just so I have all the due dates for the holiday exchanges or what have you I've signed up for or will sign up for shortly rolling up in Nov/Dec nice and orderly and in once place.

cc_exchange: 1K minimum, due Dec. 5th
deancas_xmas: 1500 minimum, due Dec. 3rd
dc_dystopia: 5K minimum, due Dec. 8th
Yuletide: 1K minimum, due Dec 22nd

It'll be fun to see what those word counts actually wind up clocking in as. Kind of betting higher than the minimums, especially since I don't have the exchange assignments yet.:)

omgdeadlines, yes i signed up for something else

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