Hide your shock, guys.

Jul 27, 2012 20:24

So I have signed up for more things. Yes, I know. I know. But only one of them is a big bang!


Thing #1!

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

This is a challenge where you pick a topic and natter on about it for 100 entries, no deadlines, no word count. It's well timed, because I received the Mystery Classics 100 Movie Pack for my birthday and had planned to watch and review my way through them all anyway. Serendipity! (even though there's a fair number of Nigel Bruce-playing-Watson Sherlock Holmes in the mix, so expect some whining from me when I get there.)

Thing #2

avengers_xbb author/artist sign ups open

This is not my fault. morganoconner and I were talking about this over twitter and since she's dived headfirst into Teen Wolf she was going back and forth on whether to write werewolf!Clint, so because I'm the worst sort of life ruiner I told her that if she signed up I would write angel!Clint. And she took me up on it!

So I suppose it is my fault. But guys, seriously, the min word count is 5K. 5K! Isn't that adorable?


On the subject of things I've signed up for in the past, I posted my dc_dystopia fic Spiral on Wednesday! *throws confetti* Now I can dive into everyone else without psyching myself out! Expect a gushing rec post shortly.

And people seem to like it, which is a big relief. I've been enjoying seeing the different ways people are interpreting the ending, which is purposefully ambiguous - obviously I know what I intend that last line to mean, but that's really not as important as what gets taken away from it, you know?

(Although because more than one person's asked, I can't write a coda to make the ending happy. It's dystopia. There is no happy.)


Hey, you know how in Iron Man 2 Coulson loses track of Tony, and when Tony asks him what was up with that he says, "I was doing stuff"? "Stuff" should actually translate to "Clint on your leather couch." Especially if Nat calls them after that scene where Tony surprises her at the office all, "Both of you. FOCUS. I expect better from you. Well, from one of you."

Someone should write that.

100 things, yes i signed up for something else, someone get on this

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