Serious Business

Jul 13, 2012 09:00

I don't know how it's playing out across the country, but I'm close enough to Pennsylvania that the hideousness at Penn State is dominating sports radio again and guys, I am so sad and weary of all the people who decided to interpret "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" as a lifestyle manual. (Anyone with CSA triggers please star far, far away from ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

mizz_destiny July 13 2012, 13:08:42 UTC
I can't even watch the news anymore today. driving me nuts. I'm absolutely disgusted.


misachan July 13 2012, 16:45:25 UTC
Especially now with the new report and all the stuff with the janitors and who knew what when (everyone, apparently) and it coming out that Sandusky was caught in the act twice with nothing being done. It is maddening.


mizz_destiny July 13 2012, 22:05:14 UTC
That part where EVERYONE KNEW is the part that gets me the most. really. I want to scream.

My parents have moved to PA recently. We are all disgusted. And I'm looking at grad school; Penn State has a fairly good environmental science/geography program. I'm not even looking because of this >:(


aberranteyes July 13 2012, 15:17:14 UTC
I think Lee Papa said it best: "Frankly, the corpse of Joe Paterno should be displayed naked in the quad until the stupid goddamned glasses rot off his fucking face."


misachan July 13 2012, 16:52:34 UTC
If on the drive home I hear one more time this isn't a "football issue" I might rip the radio of of the car. Of course it is! Sandusky used his football cred to groom these kids, the attacks happened in the team showers and the whole thing was covered up to protect the football program. In the Freeh report it relates that the janitors kept quiet because they knew King Joe Pa would have them all fired and nothing would change! Does anyone really think that if this had been a scandal in the sociology dept everything would have unfolded that same way? Of course it's a football issue.

If this NCAA will give the death penalty for recruiting violations but not for this I don't know how it keeps any shreds of credibility.


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