Had to be one hell of a job interview, though.

Jul 03, 2012 20:13

So Marvel's released some info on the the short that'll be bundled on the Avengers DVD, and while to my sadness it won't feature Agent Coulson being awesome like previous shorts it will apparently reveal that War is on SHIELD's payroll. Which makes a certain amount of sense, if you think about it - where else would a slumming Horseman hide out while waiting for the next Apocalypse?

(This does put a different spin on the whole "Thanos is in love with Death" thing, though.)


I was SO HAPPY today when I realized that a fic set in the "Terrible Life"-verse would totally work for my hypnosis/mind control square. I now have a plan of attack for that whole double line and will be happy to ramble on in the comments to anyone interested.:)


Back to finding pianos for Dean to drape Cas all over. Research is a trial sometimes, guys.:)

crossovers that need to be, jumped by bunnies

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