Hello, Internets!

Jun 20, 2012 21:16

Look at that hotass assassin in my icon! miki_moo made him for me, because she's awesome and I'm terrible because I don't think I thanked her? But it is so pretty and she made me a bunch more and they're all so lovely. Because she's awesome! In other good news, I may have tomorrow night to myself (usually there's game Thursday) so I have my fingers crossed I can get my dc_dystopia fic done well ahead of deadline and have something finished and semi-competent to send to my poor artist.

I did some LJ housekeeping: pruned some userpics, got around to finally updating my masterpost (I am so behind on comments, guys, even more of a failboat than I usually am. You all are amazing, you know that?) and fooled with my interests to add Avengers stuff in there. Somehow I'm the only person on LJ with clint/coulson/natasha as an interest? How is that possible? I even changed the order of the names around and still nothing! (I'm also the only one with "agents of shield," which I'm taking as an oversight on fandom's part.:)

Then I looked and didn't see a ship comm for the three of them and had such a sad. It's not just me, is it? Am I all alone here?

(I'm been spoiled by SPN, which has shipping comms for characters that have never actually met in canon.:)

Changing subjects slightly, I'm craving fic where Clint teaches Coulson how to shoot. Does this exist? (Don't make me do this myself, people!)

How is everyone? Watcha working on? How are things? *chin on hands*
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