*pokes head out*

May 31, 2012 12:43

Hello all!

I know I owe meme responses! Most of the past week has been consumed with trying to finish a fic that ballooned 3K longer than I thought it would be and frankly kicked my butt, but it's in the wise custody of aerilex and she'll let me know whether there's anything worth salvaging or if the whole thing should be set on fire. ("Kill it with fire" is generally my knee-jerk response the first time I reread something just finished. I'm sure some of you can empathize.) Either way, there will definitely be fic Saturday.

On a slightly related note but not really, my sister is celebrating becoming a Master of Science (that is legit what is printed on her diploma) by declaring JuNoWriMo (since she was knee-deep in her thesis last November and couldn't participate then) and I'm trying it with her, since I want to be a supportive big sister and I'm signed up for All The Challenges OMG. I've never managed to make it to 50K any of the previous times I've attempted and there's a very good chance I'll end the month an incoherent wreck. Just as a warning.

(On an actually related note, it's almost the time for me to be harassing a couple of you with carpentry questions. Please still be friends with me when the month is over.)


morganoconner is trying to get me to sign up for marvel_bang. Tell her to stop and that she's a giant meanie. (And then give her love for her BIRTHDAY SATURDAY!)

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

my flist looks out for me, writing's hard!, via ljapp

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