And then I exploded in a giant ball of shame.

May 18, 2012 20:12

So I discovered today that my email had decided all on its own to broaden its definition of spam from attempts to hook me up with sexy Asian singles to include all sorts of other things, like a bunch of AO3 notifications and TWO emails from my spn_j2_bigbang artist (who is awesome and lovely and now probably thinks I'm a total flake.) *facepalm* Oh technology, how do you work?


Hey guys! Check this out!

I'm flirting with the idea of doing the minibang part of this, because hey, it's just 5K but I'm realizing I'm really kind of wretched at gen, or at least coming up with ideas for gen. I dunno. Prompt me?


Happy Finale Day! Love your spoiler cuts and try to not burn down the internet, okay?

my flist looks out for me, technology hates me

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