Why no, I'm not looking forward to an afternoon of nonsense training, why do you ask?

May 03, 2012 12:33

Okay, if I can JUST GET THROUGH THE REST OF TODAY there will be:

1) AVENGERS! (Midnight showing, already have my ticket.)

2) Posting my super_disney fic! (I've been sitting on and poking this story since FEBRUARY. That people are actually going to read it after all this time is frankly kind of surreal and terrfying.)

3) dc_dystopia art previews tomorrow! (And claims Saturday!)

4) Three day weekend!

*watches clock*


ETA: Ooh. OOH. I know which one I want for Dystopia. (Art preview is up!) Mwahaha.

work, blarg, jumped by bunnies, rl

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