You give love a bad name

Mar 24, 2012 22:52

sncross_bigbang progress:

I'm now on the last chapter and plan to get at least another 2K down tonight (there's a hurt/comforty bit up next and I'm hoping that flows pretty well.) I'm really, really hopeful I can finish this weekend so I can dive into spn_j2_bigbang.

People, please, never let me sign up for this many things again.

Also, while I have not seen this week's episode yet I've spoiled myself just enough know that my favorite bit of S7 fanon has apparently become canon. I no lie clapped my hands like seal when I found out.

In less squeeful news, apparently no Hunger Games tomorrow. Aw well. This give me time to run to the comics shop, I guess.


I watched Hour of the Gun on TCM on demand this afternoon (because I will watch anything involving Doc Holliday and not starring Kevin Costner) and I think it's actually slashier than Tombstone. I did not think that was possible. [spoilers]There's a scene where Doc confronts Wyatt about his mad vengeance quest - Wyatt has so far gone out of way to kill everyone associated with Ike Clanton instead of arresting them - and tries to get Wyatt to take a swing from his whiskey flask. When Wyatt refuses Doc needles him more, telling him "If you're gonna kill like me you might as well drink like me, too."

And then there's another scene where Doc tries again to pull Wyatt back, telling him if he kills Ike without even the paper sanction of the law there's be no coming back, that the law means too much to Wyatt and, I quote, "You can't live the way I do." I lost count of how many scenes there were of Doc just skulking around watching Wyatt and a good chunk of the movie is just the two of them alone, together on the hunt.

Also, movie, you can't have Wyatt Earp gun down Ike Clanton in Mexico and still claim "This is how it really happened." Really, now.

big bang, writing's hard!, geekery, rps is okay when it's historical, movies

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