And did I mention the blarg?

Mar 01, 2012 12:32

Ugh, it is just gray and damp and awful and blarg out, and apparently the next few days just promise more of the same with an extra dose of blarg topped with a sprinkling of ugh. It's the kind of blarg that makes me want fic where Team Free Will wind up hunting in Storybrooke (because Dean dealing with Gold and Regina = hilarity) and Dean winds up having to save Cas with True Love's Kiss.

Or just a fic where they're dealing with fey or somewhere that works on fairy tale logic and then True Love's Kiss.

It's a True Love's Kiss kind of day, is what I'm saying. Especially if Dean starts off in full denial mode, because bitchy!Dean-turning-into-frantic-but-trying-to-hide-it-Dean is my favorite.

crossovers that need to be, blarg, someone get on this

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