This week on the JUST STOP, LORI show

Feb 26, 2012 23:03

I was going to wait to post about Walking Dead until I had some more sncross_bigbang words so I could throw the word count meter up there too, but I CANNOT.

Scattered, not so coherent reactions:

Rick and Shane! THERE IS SO MUCH LOVE! Rick, you tell him that he's your brother and that you love him and HUG HIM! He has the kind of crazy only hugs can solve!

Ahem. I have ~feelings~ about Rick and Shane. And oh, my heart when it seemed like Rick would leave! Obviously I knew he would go back (mostly because there was still ten minutes left in the episode) but still. And then Rick saw the two dead cops and you could see all that history come rushing back and he couldn't go through with it. And the joy on Shane's face when Rick came back for him! My heart did all kind of happy things.

Of course, next week we'll be back to tension and scheming because Shane didn't get his stop crazy hug, but at least we had this episode.

I always like it when the show let's Rick be smart; that was a nice little trick with the blood and the knife (and I loved Shane's oh hey, it worked! look when he tried it on the bus.) And how gorgeous was that shot of the walker reaching up through the window after Shane threw the wrench? Infuriating as the characters can be sometimes, this is always one of the best looking shows on TV.

Moving aside from Rick and Shane, I was confused by Lori in the early part of this episode. That was actually rational advice she gave Maggie! She spent nearly twenty minutes acting like a reasonable person! Then came that scene with Andrea and the world made sense again. WHAT WAS THAT? Was Lori actually saying that Andrea wasn't contributing to the group because she wasn't doing housework with the rest of the wimminfolk? Was that what that was? Because that certainly sounded like that's what it was. Does she get on Dale to do some laundry when he's not on guard? How about T-Dawg? Is he too good to fold some damn sheets? What decade are you from, Lori? Because if you're some kind of time traveler now would be the time to say it. God, they only way I could have loved Andrea more in that scene is if there'd been a physical smackdown along with the verbal one. (Her calling Lori out on carrying on with Shane was especially sweet.)

I even liked what she did with Beth; it was harsh but she's the one who has been there. And it worked, and now Beth can get on with rejoining the group. (although I don't expect Maggie to be on board with that immediately, this is her sister and even Andrea seemed to know that, and I think Maggie will come around.)

But Jesus, Lori. I still don't believe those words came out of her mouth.

tv, flames on the side of my face, lori please fall down a pit

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