
Feb 17, 2012 16:14

Aw man, I just got plot bunnied hard by a prompt at comment_fic, but the story in my brain is absolutely not comment fic and I don't have time to write it because I'm signed up for All The Thiiiiiiings.

Why do I look at things? I know my brain!

ETA: Does anyone know of a challenge/bang/fest/thing I can write this for? Preferably with a summerish date, ( Read more... )

woe, my flist looks out for me, jumped by bunnies, my brain

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misachan February 18 2012, 00:30:55 UTC
It's such a perfect end. *sigh*

What really got me was that there's a throw away line in an earlier episode where George mentions writing a letter to his "Uncle Bertie." The thought of Bertie Wooster getting that telegram! Jeeves having to explain it!

omg yes, that one looks amazing! RAMBLE AT ME FURTHER. GO ON, DO IT.

YOU ASKED. Okay, so my first thought when I saw that was, "Hey, that looks like almost like a fairy tale prompt. Or like Cupid and Psyche." So the story started as Carpenter!Dean being commissioned to make the bench for RichGuy!Cas, under the stipulation that Dean do all the work at Cas' ridiculous house, not bring any assistants and not ask any questions, which Dean all finds really weird but hey, Cas is paying him a boatload of money so whatever. Dean gets to work and the two of them start to get a little closer (Dean gets Cas to help him with the work, Cas teaches Dean to play piano, etc), but Dean's never actually heard Cas play, and when he asks Cas tells him he never plays in front of people.

Shortly after this Dean forgets his tools once night and goes back, sneaking in the back door because it's late and he doesn't want to wake Cas up, but when he gets there he hears Cas moving around in the piano room and hides, waiting until Cas goes to bed so he can get out of there. Then Dean hears this weird whooshing sound, and then music. Dean can't help himself and peeks out, only to see Cas sitting at the piano with these gorgeous, white wings growing from his back. Dean gives himself away and Cas freaks out, which Dean doesn't completely get because the wings are awesome. He gets Cas calmed down and Cas tells him that he can usually keep the wings hidden but when he does that he can't focus enough to play. Dean eventually promises to keep the secret and they get...y'know, closer.:)

After a while of happy Dean has to ruin everything by mentioning how lucky it was the Cas happened to call him for the job, to which Cas gets quiet for a second and says, (and this is when I realized the twist to the story and also that my brain hates me) "I thought you would be a mechanic. You were always so fond of your car." That's when I realize, oh no, this isn't actually just an AU, it's an in-canon AU where God finally does come back and reboots time, creating a universe where demons never escaped hell, Eve never created monsters and the apocalypse never happened. Obviously Dad being home meant the angels would have to fall in line, but Cas and a handful of other angels couldn't face losing their memories and fled, hiding out on Earth. The reason for the wings in the first place was that this was the closest he could come to making a form for himself that would pass for human. The reason Dean got the job was because he was Dean and Cas couldn't help himself. Which is all a big revelation for Dean, who doesn't remember anything aside from weird deja vu (not that Cas wants him to.) That night Cas shows up in Dean's dream and they get close again, and he tells Dean not to blame himself.

The next time Dean goes to the house the place is a ruin and Cas is gone. The other angels found him.

Then there's a vague, hazy part where Dean calls up Sam and they go rescue him. I don't have that plotted out yet.

My brain.


(The comment has been removed)

misachan February 18 2012, 00:48:47 UTC
I KNOW! Maybe dc_everafter? But isn't the next round of that far away?

I need something to sign up for! It's the only way I get anything done!


threnodyjones February 18 2012, 01:44:26 UTC

I will bribe you with something whatdoyouwant!?


misachan February 18 2012, 01:59:12 UTC
I'm in two big bangs, I'm full up! Is there anything with a summerish date you can think of?


threnodyjones February 18 2012, 02:33:04 UTC
I mean, there's the scifibigbang. Don't know if it would be what you are looking for, but it is summerish. They pretty much throw in all supernatural things which would cover the show as well.

(But it's so far away, WOE!)


elfladyarwen February 19 2012, 01:22:14 UTC

Cas' hands and pianos are MFEO. cashands/pianos OTP 4EVER. For reals.

I endorse the shit out of this fic. I will be your personal sponsor if you want, even though I have no money per say, to do actual sponsoring.



misachan February 19 2012, 02:26:39 UTC
Maybe this is what I should do for deancasbigbang? *throws up hands*


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